12 months old

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Results 81-90 from 42,965 articles

Moving to a New State with a 12 Year Old

K.V. asks from Seattle

Our family is moving to a new state next year ( job) we have lived in the same town/neighborhood since both my girls were born. They are now 10 and 12. My ten year ol...


My 12 Year Old Thinks He Is the Boss of the House.

M.L. asks from Pittsburgh

I have 3 boys their ages are 9,11,& 12. My 12 year old is always fighting with my other two boys. If I ask him to stop he gives me additude. I tried grounding him, bu...


12 Month Old Won't Drink Milk

W.B. asks from New York

I am weaning my 12 month old daughter and she will not drink milk from the sippy cup. She will drink water from the cup, but not milk. Any suggestions/strategies woul...


12 Year Molars at 9?

T.G. asks from Seattle

My stepdaughter is 9 1/2. She says it feels like she's getting another molar. Can a child get her 12 year molars this early? She's big for her age. (Not overweight, j...


12 Year Old Wants to Pluck Her Eyebrows

K.C. asks from Tampa

My 12 year old daughter thinks she has a una-brow and wants to pluck. In actuality she doesn't. She just thinks she does. Are you other moms letting your kids pluc...


12 Month and Eating

A.W. asks from Jacksonville

My daughter is now 12 months and about to start daycare. I am trying to prepare her to eat the food they will provide to her. I have always had problems with her want...


Is 4 Months Too Old to Swaddle?

K.A. asks from Allentown

My pediatrician told me I should have stopped swaddling at 2 months, but my baby wakes himself up if he's not swaddled at night. It's like he gets restless arm syndr...


Ear Infection in 12 Month Old

C.T. asks from Jacksonville

Hi my daughter is 12 months old and has an ear infection. She began her antibiotic 2 days ago but I have seen no improvement in her. She is still very fussy and is st...


Spliting up After 12 Year

G.V. asks from Los Angeles

Hello moms, I need advise I have been with this man for 12 years we are not legaly married. We have 3 beautiful boys together, well after all this years of argument...


12 Month Not Rolling Over

D.F. asks from New York

My 12 month old will not roll over. I show her how and help her, but just chooses not to do it. The pediatrician didn't really say too much, just to wait until her 15...

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Answer Highlights

  • california does not recognize common law in 2 answers "... house because we were not married and California does not recognize common law."
  • common law marriage in 6 answers "I am no expert but I beleive that California has a common law marriage rule that states ..."
  • common law wife in 3 answers "... and also I believe that you have passed the living law. As a common law wife ..."
  • pluck her brows in 2 answers "In my opinion, a young girl who thinks she needs to pluck her brows is like a young ..."
  • health food store in 4 answers "I would go to the health food store and get some natural medicine for her ears."