10 month old refusing food

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12 Month Old Refusing Formula and Vitiman D Milk

S.M. asks from Syracuse

Hello! My son will be a year old on August 30th. He has been refusing any form of milk. He takes a sip and spits it out. He is only drinking juices and water. I am wo...


11 Month Old Refusing to Eat

J. asks from Milwaukee

My son has recently decided that he will not eat baby food anymore. We were able to trick him into eating it for a week by sneaking it in before he ate a teddy puff....


Baby Refusing to Take Milk, Will Only Take Solids

M.S. asks from Washington DC

Hi moms, For about 4 days now, my 8 1/2 month old son absolutely refuses to take any milk and will only take solids. He has been exclusively breastfed for 6 1/2 mo...


10 Month Old Still 4Am Feeding

M.R. asks from Philadelphia

So I know that at 10 months, by daughter does not physically "need" to be fed during the night, but I have a dilemma. She is in bed early at 6pm. I nurse right befo...


10 Week Old Still Not Sleeping Through the night...need Suggestions

S.C. asks from Dallas

My little girl is 10 weeks old and is still waking up every 3 hours during the night. It's killing me! My son was a good sleeper from the start and was sleeping 8 hou...


Daughter Is Refusing Her Bottles

J.C. asks from Detroit

Recently my 11 1/2 month old daughter started refusing her bottles. I was giving her a morning, afternoon, and bedtime bottle with six ounces of formula in each. Now,...


Weaning 19 Month Old off Baby Food?

A.R. asks from Houston

Hi Moms, I need some advice from Mom's who have had this issue- my sweet 19 month old does not want to eat tablefoods. He will eat pureed baby food all day long and...


10 Month Old Having a Hard Time Adjusting to New Daycare.

M.K. asks from Sioux Falls

My 10 month old daughter just switched daycares last Monday. Her old daycare was moving out of town but luckily my friend that is an awesome daycare provider agreed ...


9 Month Old Refusing Bottle

J.G. asks from Richmond

Up until 2 days ago my daughter has been a great eater and always sucked down her bottles! Over the holidays we were out of town staying with relatives for about a w...


Help with Food for 10 Month old/Diet and Nutrition

C.B. asks from Los Angeles

What to give him to eat? My pediatrician has us on a very slow program and I'm concerned he's not getting enough variety/nutrition. I don't want him to become a pic...

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