Zumba Question

Updated on October 07, 2011
B.E. asks from New York, NY
16 answers

Does anyone do Zumba? I took a few trial classes over the summer while I was traveling. The instructor was pretty adamant about "no shoes". No problem - it was a very good class.

Now I just bought the DVDs and they recommend shoes. I've been doing most of it barefoot without a problem, but there are 1 or 2 steps that are probably easier with shoes.

The only reason I'm hesitating buying them is that they're pretty expensive ($60-$90) and I'm wondering whether it's just a ploy to get me to shell out more $$$ to Zumba. BTW, I have plenty of running sneakers, but no way those would work with this.

So, Zumba-doers - shoes or no shoes?

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So What Happened?

Hey - thanks to everyone for all the great tips!

I thought it was a little weird too when I first went into the class and she said no shoes, but once I got into it bare feet seemed very natural. My stepmother, who is 68, tried it barefoot, but due to recent foot surgery had to revert to shoes. She preferred the flexibility of bare feet to her sneakers, which kind of tripped her up.

I've heard too that doing activities barefoot are best for your feet and form - remember that whole brouhaha about running shoes recently? They found that running barefoot was the best for your feet over any brand of shoe (of course, where the heck can you really run barefoot except maybe the beach?).

However, there are definitely a couple moves on the DVD that seem to require sneakers. I keep trying this twisty one and I just can't do it fast enough in bare feet to keep up. Now that I've heard about people turning their ankles, I'm going to be more careful!

I see the cheapie dance sneakers on Amazon and Zappos. I might try barefoot a little longer, but I will probably wind up picking up a pair of those.

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answers from Jamestown on

We wear shoes. The impact in bare feet can cause back problems and there's a lack of ankle support.

I am thinking about buying the DVDs instead of going once a week to classes. I'd be spending $260/yr with one class a week as opposed to $60-90 whenever I want to Zumba for the rest of my life.

Just a thought.



answers from New York on

I have the Zumba game for PS3 and always wear shoes. I have high arches and need a lot of support. I wear a pair of New Balance running shoes that have a smooth sole. I Zumba in these shoes on a wool area rug with no trouble. Personally, I don't own any licensed Zumba gear. I think it's totally unnecessary. Hope this helps!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I take Zumba at 24 hr fitness and the majority of us wear our work out shoes, not the special Zumba shoes. No one is barefoot. I would follow whatever works for you and talk to the teacher about what footwear is best.

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answers from Pocatello on

I used running shoes... but they probably aren't the "best" choice. Since I was in dance when i was younger, I would recommend you just by some professional dance shoes or ballet slippers. OR, go barefoot. you could get some decent jazz shoes or ballet slippers from a dance supplier for about $20. the dance sneakers are a lot more money (like what is sold on the zumba site) but are certainly not necessary for doing zumba indoors!




answers from Los Angeles on

I have taken a few Zumba classes with friends and with my Grandma as well.....always a ton of fun! I have always used shoes but I imagine it to be just as good without. My Grandma was wearing shoes when she Zumba'd and she twisted her ankle....had to have physical therapy for 3 months. Her physical therapist said that the number one cause of ankle sprains and twists is the Zumba class so be careful and take care of your ankles :)



answers from Dallas on

I recently started Zumba DVDs at home on my carpeted floors. One day I did it barefoot and almost popped my knee. Another day I used my cross training shoes and strained my feet and toes as they could not slide and turn. The third time I wrapped an old pair of socks over my regular shoes to give me some slide: It worked but was very clumsy and heavy to my feet. Got discouraged and was almost about to return the DVDs when I thought of giving it another chance: bought a pair of Sansha jazz shoes (about 30$) from amazon and Zumba has been a breeze to me since then.


answers from Williamsport on

So weird! I'm late leaving for zumba right now! I JUST finally got zumba shoes FINALLY after taking it a few times a week for months. We ALWAYS have to wear shoes, but running shoes are h*** o* your knees for the turns-your sort of need "dance" sneakers. I got a pretty cheap pair of Nikes form zappos. If you go on zappos, just hit "zumba" in the search and you'll see some pretty cheap ones. I would never do it without shoes.


answers from Spokane on

I took two (6 week) Zumba classes (different instructors) and neither one had us remove our shoes. I wore my nikes.


answers from Jacksonville on

I've been to Zumba in two states and everyone had on shoes. Not the special Zumba shoes just reg shoes. We have like 60 year old women in there with us and after eight months I have yet to witness a Zumba disaster with shoes. However, my husband is a Chiropractor and a big supporter of Barefoot anything. Walking, running, dancing, he says it's more natural (duh) and that you actually get a better work out.



answers from Detroit on

I've always done shoes with Zumba - my feet end up too sore otherwise because they wouldn't have any padding or support. One instructor did mention that it's helpful to get basic dance shoes, or an athletic shoe that has a circular spot on the bottom of the shoe (under the ball of your foot) that allows you to pivot more easily.



answers from Las Vegas on

my former Zuma teacher simply worse a sneaker without resistance.. you know, almost like a walking shoe. I believe it was rebok.. nowadays, you can get smooth soled sneakers for somewhat cheap. zappos is good, free shipping both ways.. or even a department store now that you know you don't need the expensive ones..

good luck


answers from Dallas on

the moves are meant to be fluid and fast, heavy emphasis on lower body movements. traditional athletic shoes are meant to grip the floor. This is dangerous when doing Zumba! or any kind of dance. You can seriously injure your knees and ankles. They grip the floor and don't let you make the smooth transitions. Socks have the opposite problem. They are too slippery and you can fall. So really your options are bare feet - perfect amount of grip vs slip. Or special shoes (you can find them much cheaper than they are offering them) or I've seen people wear slipper socks with the little bit of grippy stuff on the bottom.


answers from Houston on

I do Zumba, love it, but I'm not very good even though I used to be a dancer so I get the whole special shoes thing. No shoes, whaaaaaat? That is weird and gross and no way is that the norm to have to buy special shoes or be barefoot. I wear my Sketchers running shoes and they are fine. The only person in my class (there are like 50) who wears the zumba shoes in my instructor. The other instructor wears her professional dance shoes, and the other instructor wears her running shoes. I think just getting cheap dance or even ballet shoes would be good if you are really serious into it.



answers from New York on

I do zumba classes 3 X per week...I wear shoes...I did a 2 hour zumba party recently & got so hot I took my shoes off...I found it very difficult to do the steps & I was honestly worried about the lack of support. I'd stick w/ shoes! (unless you are on a rug in your own house & it's comfortable...)


answers from Dallas on

I Zumba. Pretty sure a good pair of shoes will do for you. Don't think "Zumba" shoes are necessary. And please put some shoes on girl! lol Take care of those feet. They need some support bouncing around :) Yoga barefoot? Sure. Zumba, not so much. If your not sure, ask your doctor about it.


answers from Dallas on

Never heard of anyone doing it barefoot. But be careful on sideways movements with running shoes as they flare out to the sides. So be sure to pick up your feet on those movements. Otherwise, they should be fine.

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