Friday- 5 Things About Being a Mom That Drive Me Crazy Today!

Updated on February 19, 2011
R.J. asks from Sandy, UT
27 answers

More of a vent and asking for input but here are five things this Friday morning that are driving me crazy about being MOM

1- The drop off lane at Elementary school, there is always "that" mom that just pulls up and stops wherever you cant get around her then she takes 10 minutes fixing the kids hair or whatever before the kid gets out of the car then she SITS THERE in the middle of the lane watching him walk into school- yes this happens at least once a week.

2- the " can I hang out" phone call in my office when dad is in the other room why are the not asking dad - see #3

3- "ask your mom" any decision that needs to be made from peanut butter and jelly to going to thier friends is always "ask mom"

4-What are you making for dinner? Really I worked all day you were home all day and I STILL have to make dinner?

5- Being the "bad guy" homework isnt done you got a time out slip the dishes are still in the dishwasher I get to be the bad guy about all of the above then I hear- " you really need to just relax you have been in a bad mood since you got home" REALLY because if I did just "relax" the house and the kids would go to hell in a handbasket!!

So moms just for fun on Friday what are some of the things driving you crazy today?

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thanks ladies it is good to know that you are not alone in the crazy mom world. Your answers were great and got me through my terrible day.

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answers from Los Angeles on

1) It's a 4 day weekend...why can't the kids sleep in?

2) Why do they have to be so loud...and talk,talk,talk all the time! My house is so loud. They are all home and having fun...I on the other hand want to go hide in my room under the covers!

3) Why do they need to always eat? I mean really! All I do is feed them, clean up after them, feed them, clean up after them...repeat, repeat, repeat.

4)Why is hubby always in the mood when I am clearly NOT!?

Yay for Fridays!

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answers from Boston on

Oh my heavens - reading these have made me feel soooo much better! It's my life in print!

1. What's for dinner? (4.30pm)
2. When's dinner? (5.00pm)
3. What's for dinner again? (5.15pm)
4. Whe-en is it going to be dinnertimeeee? (5.30pm)
5. "Waaa! He hit me! She hit me first! I'm hungry! I'm tired! I don't want to share! I'm NOT going to my room! Momeeeeee!" (5.55pm)

Dinner's at 6.

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answers from New York on

Going to visit my daughter at college this weekend....and she asks me to bring her Tylenol. Side note: she lives across the street from a Rite Aid... sigh.
Trying to help my 15 year old son with his chem homework (literally the blind leading the blind), while my husband watches us struggling. Side note: hubby was a science major in college. Bigger sigh.

Hang in there! and have a great weekend :)

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answers from Dallas on

1) mom, mom, momma, mommy, mom, mom, momma, mommy.......My mom used to say she was changing her name. I never knew what she meant by that, but now I fully understand.
2) "He hit me. She's in my room. He took my popscile. But I wanted the red one. Why does he get to stay up late? Why does she get to sleep in your bed?"
3) Walking in the front door to 3 people competing for my attention and asking for something to eat and drink and a hug and to tell me every detail of thier day before I even get all the way in the door and put my purse down.
4) The kids asking to eat as I'm unpacking groceries. "Oh cereal, I want cereal. can I have some strawberries, I want some juice." All the while I'm carrying bags in and unpacking and putting away.
5) It takes me over an hour to watch a 30 minute sitcom sometimes due to Constant interruptions - see #1

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answers from Spokane on

By the end of the day, I'm sick of my OWN voice!! "Stop that, Don't bug your sister, Be nice, Wash your hands, No you can't have candy, No we're not going to Baba's today, Can you please pick up your game, No you can't watch a movie" - it really does go on and on.

I'm tired of smelling like baby puke. Yes, I know I could change my shirt, but then by the end of day 2 I'd be OUT of shirts!

Dinner. I don't mind making it, but I'm tired of always having to choose WHAT we're having! My husband will call me at 9am and ask 'what's for dinner today?' so I tell him "grilled cheese unless you tell me different". You'd be *amazed* at how often we have grilled cheese! lol

The fact that my middle daughter HATES socks and having her hair out of her face. She fights me when I put it up so she can eat and NOT get food in her hair. She fights me when I try to put socks on her so we can leave the house (it IS winter after all!). Some days, I just don't's not MY toes that are getting cold! ;o)

The fact that I feel like I'm paying the preschool a lot of money and all my daughter's learning is a severe attitude problem. She's always been a little sassy, but now there's door slamming, foot stomping, and some really rude phrases for a 4 year old. *sigh*

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answers from Sacramento on

1. I couldn't agree more with the parents who park at drop-off time. We call them "parkers." They fill all of the drop-off spots just sitting there doing who knows what. Just drop off your child and MOVE on!

2. A romantic Valentine's Day consisting of me arriving a preschool to pick up my daughter being greeted with, "We don't want your cookies. They have nuts in them!" Uh, they're sugar cookies from the bakery, who would ever think sugar cookies had nuts and they cost me $12. Next time, say "nut-free sugar cookies" and I will step miles away from signing up for that volunteer item. Follow this greeting up by stepping in animal poop in brand new boots near our garbage cans as I haul them out to the curb. Then, the kids back up their toilet and I spend 20 minutes trying to get it flowing again. And that was just as romantic as my Mom's Valentine's Day was going to get.

3. I spend an evening exhausted telling DH how exhausted I am with so much to do and konking out on the sofa at 9 pm. The next morning, he mumbles something about our son's lunch and I thought he was volunteering to make our son's lunch. Yeah, he's getting a clue! NO. He was asking me to make his lunch for work when I made our son's. GRRRR!!!

4. Doing it all -- working, handling enforcement of school homework and reading, hauling their kids to their activities, making all meals (including custom ones ... and don't get me started on why we have to do that), managing our son's complex medication needs. The only pat on the back I've ever had was from my in-laws recently, who called me the glue holding everything in our family together, making sure everything gets done. It was all I could do not to cry at being appreciated.

5. Receiving gift certificates for a massage and nail salon, but having no free time to ever use them.

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answers from Norfolk on

1 - getting 5 texts from my husband so far with him groaning about how tired he is because the baby was up all night. Here's what really happened: I fought our 5 month old to bed, then had to sneak out of her room to have my toddler start screaming because he wanted mommy and daddy to both sing him to sleep. Then I came downstairs and immediately had hubby groping me and he literally said "What are you doing for the next 10 minutes?". Then once HE was "finished", he gets up, goes to teh bathroom then plops his happy butt down on the couch and plays xbox until midnight. No kissing, no cuddling, no talking to me. So i'm left to clean up the downstairs (dinner dishes, toys, etc.) including all of his stuff that he casually tosses wherever he happens to be standing. Then the baby wakes up about an hour later, and then every other hour after that. Hubby came upstairs after he switched off his xbox to hear baby screaming, so he huffed and puffed then grabbed a blanket and pillow and slept on the couch. Baby didn't conk out until 3 a.m. and then my 2 year old woke up grouchy as hell at 6 a.m. and hasn't changed his mood since.

2 - My neice and newphew are huge brats (who also live next door) and are constantly bullying my son around, and it hurts his feelings so badly. He wants to play with them all the time but it's hard for me to watch him getting treated the way he does

3 - While at the park with my girlfriends and their kids, I ran into one of my best friends whom I have been avoiding lately. She is going through a divorce and is acting like a 16 year old and only calls me to ask me to babysit her 2 toddlers nowadays. I ran into her at the park and felt terrible for not being there for her, and for being with other friends when I told her i was just so busy with my own kids to really be social. I feel like pond scum for that one.

4- Girl scout cookies are not a calorie free food. Where did that entire box of thin mints and half of the Samoas go? I plead the 5th.

5 - I'm only 23 and have absolutely nothing interesting to talk about with other adults--nothing that doesn't revolve around parenting, at least. I feel like the most uninteresting/boring person alive.

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answers from Iowa City on

Every diaper I have changed today has been poopy and I have had to change the baby's clothes thrice because of blowouts (I have no idea what daddy fed her last night because I was off getting my hair cut but I hope he doesn't do it again).

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answers from Springfield on

What makes me crazy.....
Everyone can see that the garbage is full but can't seem to figure out that if you change that bag it will fit things better. Oh wait..."Mom, the garbage is full!" seems to be a solution in my house.....ughh I hate changing and taking the garbage out!

Thanks for letting us vent. Hope you have a nice weekend!

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answers from Albuquerque on

Oh, where do I start? I'm having one of those days too, and it's my birthday!
For one, it's my time of the month and my 2 year old has been whining all day.
My 4 year old insists on wearing pants that she wore yesterday and who knows how many times she's going to change her shirt (she changed 5 times yesterday), she finally put on a different pair of pants.
I'm trying to get my 2 year old in the shower and she says she needs to go potty so she sits on the toilet fooorreeever saying she still needs to go poop. Meanwhile, I just want to get her showered so I can do some laundry and vacuuming!
Just now they dropped over the tub of mega blocks.
And on and on and on. I guess it could be worse

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answers from Detroit on

I have to so agree with everything you said. You really made my day. I'm glad that I'm not the only one out there who feels this way...thanks:) There is strength in numbers. Here's what drives me nuts:

1. My husband: You have the gas card...can you take my car and put gas in it? Me: Do you want the PIN# so that you can do it? My husband: Na, you need to get out of the house and get a break, so you do it. This is what he considers my "break?" Here's what I'm thinking: Yeah, gees thanks dude...where would I be without are so thoughtful and considerate.

2. Mom, where's the remote? Me: How would I know...I don't watch tv?

3. My husband: Honey, the baby pooped. Me: So, change him...duh? Hubby: I don't feel like it. (Nice deal if you can get it).

4. "Mom, I'm hungry." Me: You just had lunch--grab a banana.

5. Bath time: I always give the kids a bath while hubby plays computer games. Never once did it ever occur to him to bathe the kids.

Wow, that was I feel better:)

Thanks again R.:)


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answers from Houston on

Today was a crazy day for me. #1-My daughter and I took my dog on a walk, she rode her scooter and fell and I had to carry her, the scooter, and the dog home. #2-She decided to make brownies with no brownie mix but did make a wonderful chocolate milk mix that was all over the counters and on the floor. #3 She threw a fit because I told her that the chocolate milk mix won't make brownies if I put them in the oven. #4 Our 9 year old neighbor came over during this fit and informed me that at 4 she should not be throwing fits and it is a good time to teach her right from wrong :) But after a crazy day, seeing her sleeping so peacefully is priceless. :)

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answers from Chicago on

The daycare parking lot has about 20 spaces, only about 4 of which are occupied at one time. I see that you are walking just fine so why did you have to park in the handicapped spot? Are you so lazy that you can't walk the extra paces it takes to traverse 2 parking spots to get to the door?

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answers from New York on

Being responsible for EVERYTHING. Main breadwinner, household manager, main childcare provider etc while my husband runs around working all sorts of long hours at a job that likely is ending soon anyway.

Being up from 11:30 - 4am this morning helping my vomiting daughter and having to be at work at 7:30 to maintain said main breadwinning job while husband keeps focusing on his pipedreams

EDIT: reading all the posts after mine has made me feel much better! They are funny and remind me I'm not alone. Mothers really are saints... Why is it men mostly rule countries?

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answers from Laredo on

My DD is 21 weeks & I am pretty sure she has been teething since she was 4 weeks!! But today just seems to be especially worse.. for her & my sake can't the tooth pop through already?!?

1. While I am vaccuming & dusting (one handed) cuz I am also holding the fussy baby my hubs is just standing in the living room watching highlights from previous basketball dunk-a-thons or whatever they are called.
2. When she finally goes down for a nap, I hopefully think he is going to help me finish cleaning the house so it can just be done with but instead he comes out of the room in gym clothes & says he is going to go work out : )
3. When I dropped my DS off at school this morning there was a note informing that he does not have a 3 day weekend! & here I was thinking I might actually get to sleep in on Monday lol.

It's crazy but it's my life... & I love it in all it's insanity!

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answers from Dallas on

I hated being the bad guy too! Made me feel bossy when all I wanted was a little order and discipline.

I don't have kids at home anymore, but what drove me crazy was that my husband could get away and not worry. I could never do that. He just went off on business trips and didn't worry... because he knew I could take care of it. Had a nice quiet night in a hotel room. He left for work in the morning without a care and knew he didn't have to be home at a specific time.

Parents that over volunteered drove me a little crazy. Some seemed more interested in recognition than being at home with their kids. I wanted to shake them and say, "Go get a job if you need that!" But maybe I was resentful because they made me feel inadequate.

What drove me crazy later were the Mom's that expected ultra high SAT scores from their kids so that they could be sure to share the information and brag to their "friends" about all the schools their children were applying to. And only certain schools would do! And these particular Mom's seemed to have perfect children that never struggled with anything. How can we learn from each other if we don't share the bad stuff too?

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answers from Columbus on

"Can I have Candy" - from Valentines Day.

No!! You can not eat Candy for breakfast!!

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answers from St. Louis on

What fun, & thanks for such an entertaining post!

I'm here to tell you, ladies, it doesn't get any better or easier. You simply learn to live with it.....& the ensuing Peace is deeply fullfilling!

Been married for almost 30 years.....I am more at Peace than ever. Unfortunately, my DH is not....he still reacts with anger & frustration. His loss!

What I have found that really works for to act like a Drama Queen & be hysterically funny or ironic with my comments. A little bit of humor, a touch of the absurd....goes a long way in making life's stupid little stuff....a whole lot better!!

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answers from Spokane on

1. My 2 1/2 y/o adores his Daddy but if I'm in the room (or somewhere in the house!) he wants nothing to do with him. No, Mommy change me. No, Mommy gets my milk. No, Mommy reads to me. No, Mommy puts on my shoes. UGH!! Dad is right there and more than willing to do it but little one insists Mom does it.
2. My 6 y/o can't seem to get that when he is saying Mom and I look at him and make eye contact that it's ok to continue his sentence! He seems to think that he needs to repeat Mom, Mom, Mom until I say "what" or "yes dear".
3. My 16 y/o asked me what I thought of tongue piercings...
4. Oh, and if I didn't enforce bed time I think hubby would let the boys stay up all night!!
5. This isn't about me and being Mom but it is about my Mom - does it count? She texts me yesterday to see if she could borrow our video camera and tells me she needs me to bring it to her that night. No problem, I was heading that direction anyway. Then she sends me another text that she needs a tripod too and I reply that we had one at one point but that I had no idea where it was any longer. She got pissed! Seriously!! WTH? Why is this my problem?!

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answers from Seattle on

How 'bout a Thursday groan instead.
Kids wake up and come to get me and their breakfast. I am sick (been sick on and off for way too long), on my period and in a mood. (To be honest though, I'm not a morning person...ever). My husband had worked the night before so he was very asleep. I put breakfast on the table for the little ones, wash out my French press and put the kettle on and lay back in bed. Minutes later, I come out and the children have removed a full container of yogurt, a dozen eggs and a full spool of dental floss. All have been broken/emptied out/smeared into the rug beneath the kitchen table and my Little Ones hair. Joy. I have never been so excited to wake up in my life.

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answers from Provo on

i'm totally with you on #1. i have stopped using the drop off lane and now drop mine off down the street next to the crossing guard.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Well, R., I'd say you just about nailed it...

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answers from Salt Lake City on

I hear ya. My best this week was the look on my Husbands face when I asked him to watch our 5 year old while I sold Popcorn for the PTA. He wanted to go to an RV show and not take the kids so what happens I end up with the kids all underfoot as I'm in charge of concessions.

Then when I bring the 5 year old home in between shows my husband looks put out that I'm am leaving her with him to take care of, and then he has the gall to ask me whats for dinner. I told him whatever you can find the kids and I had peanut butter and jelly in between the two play performances.

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answers from Houston on

the noisy toy I just bought my child the batteries may have to disappear before the days out. :)

picking up toys and having him help just to have him dump them all out again to find one cowboy in paticular.

mommy hold me all day.

laying down in the floor cause we are not getting our way

my son we dress him and he just takes them off for what reason I dont know so we redress and he takes them off agian.

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answers from Dallas on

Your #4 bothers me all week long... My husband is the better cook and he stays HOME all day long, and I have to figure out what's for dinner... Really?

And your #1, similar thing happened this morning on the way to school with my middle son. The lunch lady's husband dropped her off and just sat there... we were running late at the back of the line and he waited as his wife walked in, really????

I was also mad at the police that hides in between the cars. That makes me so mad, why do police have to be like that. Sure people should be going the speed limit, however, I just think it's sneaky, and I don't like that. Why can't they just be out so everyone can see them and people will slow down. Right? But no, they want to bust you. And yes, I'm a speeder, not a major one, but I am one...

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answers from Bloomington on

2. and 3. I say "Daddy, I told him to ask YOU!" or "Daddy gets to decide!"
4. "I'm having _______, what are you going to have?"
5. No clue, not there yet!

Bugging me? Hmmm...We are going to my parents for the weekend (2 hours away) and I get to pack for everyone, including my husband! If I trust him to pack, I get frustrated that he could and will wear the same outfit all weekend! Then on Sunday, I will get to unpack and put away everything! At least we are done with formula, bottles, and other baby "stuff"!



answers from Honolulu on

I DITTO you!

Me too!

Oh and my son, yesterday he was on the phase of telling me "You have to do what I say today.... its not fair only grown-ups can tell me what to do. I can tell you what to do too." And then (he was real naughty yesterday)... when I would reprimand him he would tell me "I am NOT your Sweetie-Pie anymore.... you make me mad, YOU go to Time-Out!"

And my Husband does the same thing as yours. Then says "WHY are you SO Grumpy?" (oh um, because even when you are home, you just revolve around yourself).


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