Father Won't Interact W/son

Updated on January 28, 2011
R.C. asks from Oak Brook, IL
5 answers

I have sole custody of our son--long story short--we dated for two yrs I wound up pregnant--he starts using drugs acting distant--i break it off--fast foward two years i take him to court for CS and he wants to see himso we start visitation. But i am aways present when he see him-no overnight . It's only once amonth in a public place--the thing is,when he does see his son he doen't play with him--he'll just go sit down and watch him or even read a maganizne--oh it pisses me off so much when he did that--what can i do/say ? My son is five so he doen't understand--but it is tough day for him. * When we started vistation he had stopped using and has been clean for 2+yrs*

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So What Happened?

I'm trying so hard not to bad mouth his father--but the mother bear comes out in me--I just want to shake him(father) tell him to grow the hell up. Or just cut off the vists altogether--but i don't want to hurt my son

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answers from Savannah on

Sorry to hear that. On the other hand, if he's a bad influence then maybe it's good they aren't bonding? If you think he wants to be a dad and is just stuck on HOW, I'd say do you have a parenting center in your area? I got information about the one near where we were through the library circulation desk, but I bet you can look up parenting center and your zipcode? If there's one nearby, check them out and see if they have some coparenting classes or something like that. They help parents who DON'T get along still figure out how to come together and be productive as a team when raising children.
However, if you don't think he's interested: my best friend's exhusband was an evil jerk. I hated him from the first day I saw him, before they even dated. He has older teen kids by another marriage and would smoke weed with them, drink with them, etc. Then play all kinds of manipulative games, messing with their minds. I told her that even though she wanted a "father" for her son, he would be so much better off NOT having a drunk druggy who played mind games! For a little while he insisted on visitation (if he's gonna pay, he's gonna see him, he'd say). They (the parents) couldn't be near each other so I'd be the mediator and we'd meet at McDonalds. I don't think he ever knew that guy was his dad, to tell the truth! The "dad" would just take for granted that his boy knew who he was, and I never said anything at all about him. I'd say "Hi Dale" and they'd have a few minutes of talking but not really anything....he'd eat a chicken nugget, play, eat another nugget, play. One day "The Man" (that's what he called him, lol) bought him a Wiggles Futon for Christmas. He was happy about it, but as if any random person had given him a gift. He told his mom "the man" at McDonalds gave it to him. Inevitably, this loser lost interest and kinda dropped off the earth. We didn't push it; it was a blessing. I know that it breaks your heart that your son doesn't have a relationship with his father. (Heck, I wanna cry when my son gets dismissed by other PRESCHOOLERS). But if his father isn't the man you would want in his life, I would consider it better than him having a real influence on your little guy, you know? Maybe one day he'll change. But I wouldn't hold my breath and wait on it. You can cross that bridge when/if it ever happens....but if he doesn't get straight and grow up, he's bound to lose interest at some point. I'd keep the meetings with him very matter of fact and low key. Don't say "we are going to see your dad", but "Hey, we're going to ___ to see (whatever his name is)".

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answers from Modesto on

Is he doing this just to keep his child support lower or what? How immature and lame of him. Just be prepared to bring things for your son to do if Dad decides to disconnect on the visit AND act like he's not even there. What a jerk. The courts really piss me off when they make mom's jump through hoops for men that dont care about anything except for what's in their wallet and that other head they think with. Grr!

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answers from Little Rock on

Sounds like he wanted visitation just because he could demand it but not because he really wanted it. He probably would be just as happy with an occasional picture and maybe see him once or twice a year rather than monthly. I'm sure this is hurtful for your son, because he doesn't understand why dad doesn't seem to really care about him. A father figure is very important in a boys life and dad just isn't one.

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answers from Houston on

I'm sorry for your despair. A son misses so much when
he lacks his father in his life. If the child doesn't have early
interaction with his father, the possibility of a future relationship
for them becomes slimmer. Sometimes (not always), you
can predict what kind of father he CAN become (when all
the stars are lined up:)) by looking at the father (or father
figures) he had growing up. Maybe the guy doesn't know
what a father's supposed to do. So glad to hear that you
don't have to leave him overnight/weekends. At the same
time, your son needs a male, a constant in his life, that loves
him unconditionally and someone that will teach him how to
be a good dad. Wishing you success. Sometimes it comes
in small packages.



answers from Washington DC on

Is this court ordered visitation or a private agreement? Who sets up the time/place? If you have been the one coordinating the visits I would not schedule another visit. If he wants to see his son he can make the effort and call to schedule. Odds are he will not and the problem will be solved. At this point your son is so young he doesn't really fully understand what is going on. As he ages it will become painfully clear that Dad is just not interested in a relationship with him. I would seek other male role models (grandfather, uncle, cousin, friend) that are positive influences for him.

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