Anyone Have Any Experience with Lutz Pediatrics?

Updated on June 02, 2008
N. asks from Land O Lakes, FL
4 answers

My kids' pediatrician is Dr. Sanjeev Grover and Lutz Pediatrics is his practice. We love him and have been with him since we moved down to FL in 2005.
But since last week the office phone has been busy. I sent my husband to the office and there was a note on the door that said "Closed temporarily for restructuring". What does this mean? Its only him and the nurse. He posted his cell phone number for further info, but his voicemail box is full.

I'm getting really worried. My son is supposed to have his 9 month shots on June 6th. It doesn't look like he'll be there. I'm starting to contemplate finding a new pediatrician, but can't reach anyone to even get my kids' records.

Is anyone familiar with Dr.Grover or his practice? Does anyone know whats going on?
Where do I go to find out what's happening and get the medical records.

I would appreciate any help.

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answers from Tampa on

My son also goes here & i love them! Please keep me updated of the situation, if you hear anything. Thanks.



answers from Tampa on

I am not familar with the practice but worked in medical practices and know that you can call the hospitals that physicans work with for they know what is happening with the doctors that come to their hospitals.

They would know if something is really wrong or how to get in touch with the Dr. They might even be able to get in touch with him and have him call you.



answers from Tampa on

If it doesn't work out with your physician Dr Nina is wonderful. She is in Lutz on Dale Mabry. ###-###-#### - She too is a single practice doctor. We have been going to her for two years now and I can't recommend her enough.



answers from Tampa on

I can symphatize with the problems you are having and how frightned and unsettled you must be as you are unable to find out what is going on with your doctor. We have been with Peidatric Health Care Alliance since our son was a newborn and he will be 12 in Sept. We even drove from Brooksville to Wesly Chapel to take him there. I know that you live in the Lutz area and they have recently opened an office in that area and we were sad to see our favorite Dr. Wilde move from Wesly Chapel to the other office. I do not have the number for that office but if you call their Wesly Chapel office at ###-###-#### they will be able to help you. Good luck and welcome to sunny and beautiful Fl.
If you need any more help please email me at and I will try to help. OOPS! almost forgot my name is M. and I have been married for almost 13 years and have one adorable son who is entering adolescence and is determined to drive dad and mom crazy.
Talk soon,

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