
Related Questions & Answers

Results 61-70 from 143 articles

Healthy Eating/Habits - How to Deal W/ Others Who Don't Share Your View

S.J. asks from Wausau

I am looking for advice on how to politely, yet firmly, let my in-laws (& others) know that it is very important to me that my kids be taught healthy eating habits, e...


Overweight 4 Year Old, Need Advice and Maybe Some Recipes!

S.F. asks from Clarksville

Hi Moms, I have a 4 year old daughter who has been overweight since she was 2. She was always a healthy eater, I never gave her junk but didn't deprive her of a few...


Dealing with Very Low Energy and Anxiety

C.B. asks from Little Rock

I have an almost 2 yr old and a 4 yr old. I am so exhausted all the time, even if I get a full 8hrs sleep. I do stay busy, but it does not matter if I slow down ...


Weight Watchers and Breast Feeding

C.B. asks from Albany

Hi...I just had my 3rd baby and am 30 pounds overweight. I currently weigh 180 pounds and was 170 when I got pregnant. I was wondering if anyone tried weight watchers...


Work Full Time No Energy

C.L. asks from New York

Hi Ladies. I'm back to work Mon,Wed,Thurs,Fri (Tues. I have no one to watch my son.) I'm finding it very hard to get adjusted. I used to have my house clean every m...


Need an OB/GYN Who Will Induce at 37 Weeks Due to Big Babies!

S.W. asks from Phoenix

Hi. My 1st son was born 6 weeks early, and weighed 6 lbs 12 oz, which would have put him at 10 1/2 lbs if gone to term. My second was 2 weeks and 5 days early, and w...


Does This Mean My Child Could Be Overweight??

A.R. asks from Boston

Hi ladies, my daughter had her 5 yr check today, she was 5 in september and weighs 40 pds, I forget the height inches but she is in the 30th percentile for her height...


Help! I Feel like Rip Van Winkle!

J. asks from Chicago

Okay, here's my story: I had my children as a "mature Mom" having both my kids in my 40's....for the first time they will both be in school full time in a few weeks ...


I Need to Help My Four Year Old Lose Weight.

M.O. asks from Corpus Christi

Has anyone done this before? I don't know where to start.


Q About Hypertension

C.A. asks from Portland

So my DH went to the dentist and they took his blood pressure and said it was 137/99. I just read that 140/90 is hypertension and he is prehypertension. What I can't ...

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