yoga therapy

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Tendenosis of the Hip

B.D. asks from Pittsburgh

Last fall I started running again (not die hard or anything but more for exercise). Then our weather changed so I took it inside to the treadmill. Apparently I am o...


BED REST During Pregnancy

N.G. asks from Sacramento

I was on Bed Rest for the last 61days in the high risk Unit(Hospital) due to a low lying placenta & Partial Abruptions. Just looking for women who can relate to the a...


Behavioral Issues

N.R. asks from Dallas

I have a 6 year old son who was in speech therapy in Kindergarten. He gets agitated in large groups and is now on his last leg in this child care program I have him ...


Dark Confession

E.H. asks from Sacramento

Please don't judge me, I've come here for help... I have a three year old and an 8 month old and lately I feel like I wish I never had a second child. She cries al...


Question About Carpal Tunnel - and Neurologist Referral

J.X. asks from Phoenix

Hi moms! I was recently diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome by my family doctor. He basically said that I have probably had it a while and that it is more inflame...


Familiar with ADD/ADHD & Ritalin?? I Need Help

L.G. asks from Phoenix

Hi, My 12 yr old step son has been diagnosed with ADHD, we have had him in therapy for most of the time he's lived with us (6 yrs) because his bio-mom did horrible ...


Mom Seeeking a Doula in the Southbay

M.M. asks from Los Angeles

I am seriously considering hiring a birthing doula. I would love some referrals of doulas that work in the southbay. In particular, I am interested in speaking with...


Can Someone Help Me Snap Out of This ? - Sorry - Pretty Long

D.G. asks from Dallas

I really try not to vent on here or feel sorry for myself on here but I really am having a rough time right now with this so maybe someone can snap me out of this ! ...



L.L. asks from Rochester

So, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia today. My doctor has prescribed Cymbalta...anyone have experience with this? I also have Toradol and Tylenol-4 on hand for ...


MIL With Fibromyalgia.

S.M. asks from Dallas

Hello ladies, My MIL was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago. She still works, but it is really hard for her. She doesn't sleep well, has chronic fatigu...

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