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Results 11-20 from 21 articles

Help with MRSA Staph Infections PLEASE!!!

MRSA is causing a genuine crisis in our hospital system in Britain and worldwide Antibiotics are increasingly ineffective but we do have a powerful natural ...

Need Ideas for Princess Party and that kept them busy for a long time! Helpful? Yes | No Save This Remove This Report This ...

How Much Milk Does a 14 Month Old Need? Please Help- Huge Debate in My Home!

Fitness · Foot & Toe · Good Hygiene · Hair · Health Insurance ... By Car · Infant Travel Advice · Pregnancy and Travel · Traveling by Car ..... and something that's being used worldwide (thru the company's charitable foundation) to feed ...

Rotavirus Vaccine Decision by Monday

Fitness · Foot & Toe · Good Hygiene · Hair · Health Insurance .... but if you travel with your child at all, even crossing state lines, you are putting your child at risk. ..... Worldwide, it kills more than 600000 children annually. ...

Husband and I Trying to Decide Whether to Have a 3Rd Baby..................

J.K. asks from Detroit

My husband and I are trying very hard to decide whether or not to have a third child. We have a 3 year old little boy and a 1 year old little girl already who we lov...


Mmr Immunizations

L.K. asks from Dallas

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knew of a Dr. Who gives the mmr split up. I still am afraid to give that shot all at once and my son is starting ppcd in aug. His D...


Looking to Be a Stay at Home Mom Again

K.B. asks from Atlanta

I recently returned to work after being a full time stay at home mom for about a year. While my husband has done a wonderful job providing for us, we needed a second...


Flu Shot

K.B. asks from Sacramento

So I have never gotten a flue shot before. I am wondering if I should get one this year. Ive never really had the flu(knock on wood). But now that I have two children...


Worried About 9 Month Old Not Getting Enough Calcium from Soymilk

M.F. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 9 month old baby girl that was only given breastmilk until she was about 6 months old. I decided to add formula into her diet as well as continuing to give ...


Moving to Atsugi, Japan

K.G. asks from Norfolk

Hello ladies. I know there is someone out there who can help me! We are moving to NAF Atsugi, Japan! Very excited, but have a ton of questions for anyone who can help...

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