whey protein powder

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Feeding Picky Eater for Maximal Growth

S.L. asks from Denver

My dd is VERY small for her age. She's 13 and yes, she's seen an endocrinologist... after all the tests for growth hormone, gluten, female hormones, growth plate xray...


Hemp Seed

S.T. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Ladies, I would like to know is it safe to take hemp seeds/hemp milk/hemp protein powder while breastfeeding?? I heard about the benefits but not sure if it'...


My 13 Month Old Is Losing Weight

J.B. asks from Lancaster

Hello I took my daughter to the Doctor for her check up and she is now 18 pounds. The doctor said I need to feed her more protein. Does anyone know how much protein a...


Good Start Formula?

D.T. asks from Sacramento

My four month old daughter is currently on Enfamil Lipil powder. She has had no problems with it at all and never suffers from gas. However, the powder doesnt dissolv...


What Are the Signs of a Milk Allergy in Babies/ Toddlers?

L.B. asks from New York

My one year old has been dealing with medium severe eczema since he was a newborn. He also passes a lot of gas and still wakes every 1.5 to 3 hours. (For the record...


Giving Fishoil to a 10 Year Old Boy

L.G. asks from Detroit

Hello out there... Hopefully someone out there can give me answers. My son, who is 10..going to be 11 has ADHD and ODD along with a learning disability. He has been ...


Looking for Breastfeeding Advice

A.M. asks from Chicago

Hello Moms. Here's my dilemma. I have a beatiful new baby girl whom is about 9 weeks old. Before she was born I promised myself I would do the best I could when it ...


Smoothie Additive Suggestions

B.W. asks from Salt Lake City

I have started making Green Smoothies each day....spinach/carrot/strawberries/OJ/peaches.....YUM!!! I'm wondering if you have any additives you can recommend, just t...


Venting About Outrageous Formula Costs

L.L. asks from Scranton

I am seeking Good Start Supreme Formula coupons.That is if anyone is willing to part with them. I searched ebay and it is outrageous. It is so hard to get any coupons...


Cottage Cheese - What to Do with It? Recipes?

C.C. asks from Portland

hello - i am 4.5 months pregnant, and trying to get protein in different ways. i am a vegetarian due to taste (i absolutely cant stand meat or poultry, for 15 years n...

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