what can i feed my 9 month old

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Sleep Tips- 10 Month Old Still Wakes to Feed-

S.D. asks from Portland

I have a 10 month old who is amazingly happy and wonderful. She naps twice a day for an hour to two hours each nap. She is active and moving and playing during the d...


How Do You Feed Your Baby Table Food?

D.J. asks from Atlanta

When our babies start eating table food but dont have many teeth yet, we all have different ways of feeding them. Some do it the most sanitary way by useing a blender...


9 Month Old Schedule

H.B. asks from Rochester

I would like to get some opinion on my 9 mo. olds schedule, it has changed a little here and there since he has started eating more food, but it seems like he still d...


Want to Do Breast Feed & Do Formula.

K.O. asks from New York

I am pregnant and plan on going back to work and would like to breast feed and do also formula. But wondering if will make my baby sick and how do start if I can to d...


How Much to Feed 10 Month Old Buddha Baby.

J.K. asks from Springfield

Our 10 month old foster son has been with us for 3 1/2 weeks now and generally he seems to be a happy and healthy baby. He just turned ten months this week. He was ...


11 Month Old - Should I Still Night Feed?

J.D. asks from Buffalo

My 11mo still wakes to feed around 330/4am - he has a bottle before bed at 7pm. I've tried lessening the amount of formula I give him each night, but I feel like it's...


Weaning a Night Feed

G.M. asks from Boston

My 5 mos old gets up religiously at 11:30pm and 3:45am every night. She sleeps a 10 hr night and though I think that is a long time for a 5 mos to go with out food, I...


9 Mos. Old - When Do I Feed Solidish Foods and Dairy??

S.J. asks from Boston

Hope we're all rested up from the holidays!! My daughter is 9 months old and has 0 teeth. She is still breastfeeding, hopefully 'till she's a year old. I've b...


9 Month Old to Sleep All Night!

S.B. asks from St. Louis

How do I get my 9 month old to Sleep all Night?? I still wake up 1-3 times/night HELP!!!!


Suggestions on What to Feed a 7 Month Old

M.O. asks from South Bend

Brady from about 4 months to now was on this eating schedule 8-8:30am 8oz formula 11-11:30am stage 1 vegetable and stage 1 fruit 2-3:30pm 8oz formula 6:30-7:30pm...

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Answer Highlights

  • could be going through a growth spurt in 2 answers "... isn't getting enough during bedtime. She could be going through a growth spurt ..."
  • goes right back to sleep in 2 answers "... feeding her when she wakes up, she has her bottle and goes right back to sleep ..."
  • 2 3 hour nap in 2 answers "She'll probably take a 2-3 hour nap which will give you one nice long break."
  • your milk supply in 4 answers "... the bottle and which feedings you offer the breast, so that your milk supply ..."
  • yo baby yogurt in 2 answers "... tiny pieces of carrot, peas, things like that, as well as the yo baby yogurt ..."