weight loss tip

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Results 81-90 from 355 articles

Pregnant and Fitness in First Trimester

S.S. asks from Chicago

Hello Moms, First time on board here, I wanted some feedback and some direction if anyone can respond postively. I am pregnant with baby#2 ( bout 2 weeks) and the ...


Hubby on a Diet and He Isn't Coping Too Well

L.H. asks from Dayton

My husband started the Medifast diet this week. It is a 5 and 1 diet. You eat their food 5 times a day and a lean meat and salad or vegetables one meal per day. He...


Toddler with Middle Ear Fluid in Both Ears

E.C. asks from Los Angeles

Since June 2008, my now 33-month old daughter has suffered from ear infections. She was referred to the ENT in November due to the fluid in her ears. ENT is recomme...



B.S. asks from Philadelphia

I want to get in shape after not losing my baby weight. I'd like to lose over 20 pounds and get in shape. Has anyone had any experience with Curves? Any success stori...


Master Cleanse

T.F. asks from San Diego

My husband wants to do the 10 day master cleanse. Has anyone ever done this cleanse before. I have read some things about it but, I am a true believer in if it soun...


Will Power??

S.L. asks from Denver

Ok, so this might seem like a silly question but here goes. I have always been about 5-10 pounds over weight. I have an ok body not firm but ok. I have always been a ...


Tummy Tuck or Alternative

M.W. asks from Boise

I am vain, yes. I had twins and my stomach still has that loose, wrinkly skin, where if I do the plank/pushup positiion, my stomach hangs from the gravity. It has b...


Treadmill Tips for First-timer

D.C. asks from Los Angeles

I'm 40 lbs over where I'd love to be, and 30 lbs over what is probably a realistic weight for me (I'm 5'4" and about 165 lbs). I'm thinking of getting a treadmill. ...


Post Pregnancy Workout

K.O. asks from Salt Lake City

I am 40 weeks pregnant with my first child and it seemed like all of the extra weight I gained went right to my butt and thighs. After the baby is born I will be stay...


Portion Control Makes Me Hungry!

X.O. asks from Chicago

I am trying to lose a very significant amount of weight. I know that my biggest problem is portion sizes, so I have been trying to be careful about it, but I am just...

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