weight loss through breastfeeding

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Results 61-70 from 1,256 articles

Weight Loss Ideas Needed for Working Mom

A.G. asks from Los Angeles

I had a beautiful daughter in December and I am completely frustrated with the weight loss. She is my second child and I am sure that has somehting to do with it but...


Reccomendations for Safe Weight Loss Pills.

L.H. asks from Albuquerque

Hello Mamas! I am getting frustrated here!! I really need to shed 10-15 pounds and I'd love some advice from you mom's. I've been doing the South Beach Diet and ch...


Breasfeeding and Weight Loss

C.F. asks from Boston

My baby is turning 10 months soon and I haven't been able to lose the baby weight, even that I am still breasfeeding. Is this normal? I was told that breasfeeding hel...


Weight Loss While Nursing

V.L. asks from Kansas City

I recently had my 3rd child and gained about 40lbs from the pregnancy. This summer I have to stand up in a wedding and I need to lose the weight to fit into my dress....


Weight Loss After 4. HELP PLEASE!

C.K. asks from Washington DC

I am looking for a book or site I can use as a reference for great diet foods. I'm 28 (almost 29) and the mom of 3 boys and 1 girl ages 7, 5, 2, 7 months. I'm 5'almos...


Does Breastfeeding Really Help You to Loose Weight?

P.L. asks from Provo

It will be my first time breastfeeding, and i heard that woman loose weight. My mother has told me that is not much that you loose.. very little.. Have you ladies los...


Hormones and Weight Loss Trouble, Is There Really a Connection?

J.B. asks from Houston

Hey mamas, Do any of you know if your hormones being whacked out or your thyroid can hijack weigh loss? I am doing the right things, I work out, I eat right, log my...


Pregnancy and Weight Loss

J.B. asks from Houston

Hey mamas, Well it has offically started, my wave of pregnancy questions!! You would think that as this is baby 3, I would have figured all this stuff out by now! ...


Workout Suggestions and Weight Loss Tips

S.B. asks from Chicago

I am seeking some suggestions and tips on good exercises to do with bad knees. Also, weight loss tips that have really worked for you. Since I had my son I have hel...


Weight Loss Suggestions

C.T. asks from Albany

I have a four month old baby girl and it seems like no matter what I have tried I can't seem to lose all the weight I gained during the pregnancy. Between being bedri...

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Answer Highlights

  • carb lovers diet in 2 answers "I also recommend, make that HIGHLY recommend, the CARB LOVER'S DIET book."
  • under my pre pregnancy weight in 2 answers "I went 10lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight with both my kids while nursing."
  • restrict your calories in 2 answers "Don't try to restrict your calories until you have a good milk supply!"
  • your uterus contract in 2 answers "For some yes, for some not as much but it does help your uterus contract back down ..."
  • adrenal fatigue in 2 answers "I totally agree with what she said about adrenal fatigue too."