weight loss after pregnancy

Related Questions & Answers

Results 51-60 from 2,075 articles

Severe Weight Loss While Breastfeeding

V.C. asks from Washington DC

I'm a little embarrassed to be asking this question, as I'm feeling pretty lucky about this, but here goes. I am 5'4", was a size 8 before my first pregnancy, and nev...


Postpartum Weight Loss

T.M. asks from Atlanta

I have a 4 week old little girl and I love being a Mom. However, I've lost about 20 pounds postpartum (which is great) but each day I struggle because I have this ji...


Newborn Weight Loss

E.M. asks from Chicago

My 3 day old daughter just had her first check-up. She was 10 lbs at birth, but weighed in at 8lbs 14oz today. I know some weight loss is normal, but this was appar...


Need Some Weight Loss Inspiration

T.S. asks from Philadelphia

So I got on the scale for the first time in a while and was horrified to see that I have gained 6 lbs. since summer! Not happy at all! My daughter will be 1 next mont...


Needing Help on Weight Loss

S.D. asks from Grand Rapids

I am a SAHM and thoroughly enjoy it. My problem is that I can't seem to loss any weight. I have been trying for several months, and am just not able to. I have tri...


Weight Loss After a Miscarriage

R.L. asks from New York

I'm not really sure where to post this, but I'll start here. I had a miscarriage at 15 weeks. It's been 5.5 weeks since I had a D&C. 1 week after the D&C I started we...


Weight Loss Medication

A.R. asks from Reno

Hi, I'm new to Mamasource and hoping somebody out there can give me some guidance. I had my baby 8 months ago and within the first month I lost 30lbs of the 50 I ga...


Seeking: Weight Loss Results

J.P. asks from Provo

I have set the goal to lose 20-25 pounds this fall. I plan to run and work out 5 days a week and to eat more healthy--I try to go with a moderate diet--reducing fat ...


Postpartum Weight Loss

E.L. asks from St. Louis

I just had baby number 4 about 6 weeks ago. I'm so frustrated right now about the weight loss! I nursed all of my other children and started out nursing this baby, ...


Weight Loss And/or Personal Trainer

D.B. asks from Philadelphia

Looking for a weight loss program others have used to lose successfully or any suggestions. I have over 50lbs of post pregnancy weight to lose.

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Answer Highlights

  • la leche league in 2 answers "Hi V., Talk to someone in the La Leche League."
  • do see a lactation consultant in 2 answers "Please do see a lactation consultant or call a La Leche League leader in your area ..."
  • fen fen in 2 answers "Remember what happened with that Fen Fen diet pill?"
  • took you 9 months to gain in 2 answers "It took you 9 months to gain the weight and your body was transformed completely."
  • how many calories in 4 answers "... only thing that helped me was keeping a food journal to see how many calories ..."