weaning one year old

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Results 41-50 from 4,766 articles

Self Weaning?

N.D. asks from Albany

I never thought I would nurse past 12 mos. My son is now 19 mos and still seems to be interested in nursing. I wanted to ask if anyone had heard of self weaning and...


Advice on Weaning

E.G. asks from Los Angeles

I have been breastfeeding my daughter since birth. She is now 12 months, 2 weeks old. I wanted to wean her by her first birthday, but she was sick so I kept putting i...


Weaning off the Breast

N.D. asks from Miami

Hi, I'm having a hard time weaning my son off the breast. I started giving him milk in a sippy cup and he refuses it. If anyone has had this problem I'd like to kno...


Weaning Advice

K.H. asks from Seattle

Hi everyone, I'm starting the process of weaning my 5 month old. I have about a month's worth of milk frozen so she'll get breastmilk until she's a little over 6 m...


Weaning from Swaddling?

T.B. asks from Rochester

My son is 4 1/2 months old and we still swaddle him when he sleeps. I have been using one of the swaddle me's and he sleeps great like this, throught the night. My...


Weaning and Lumps

K.M. asks from Seattle

my son will be 1 in 2weeks and i have started weaning which i think is going well. however i have noticed a lump in my left breast now for about 2 1/2 mths. it doesnt...


Breastfeeding Weaning

K.H. asks from New York

I've started weaning my 8 month old as I'll be back to work next week and being a teacher makes it hard to pump. I have eliminated all daytime and morning feeds and a...


Weaning Woes

J.H. asks from Erie

I am still nursing my 18-month old 3 times a day. I'm really starting to get an earful from everyone about it. Our pediatrician said in not so many words that I shoul...


Weaning and Depression

B.A. asks from Pittsburgh

My 14-month-old daughter has been in the process of self-weaning for probably about a month now. She had been nursing in the morning and before bedtime for about a m...


Weaning Question

A.N. asks from Houston

Hello, just wondering if any of you have any breastfeeding weaning tips for my sweet 13 month old that won't take a cup or a bottle. He does take water out of a cup g...

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Answer Highlights

  • la leche league in 4 answers "I believe in self led weaning which is supported by the La Leche League."
  • world health organization in 4 answers "... mutually desired by mother and child after that. The World Health organization ..."
  • american academy of pediatrics in 2 answers "... best advice when it comes to breastfeeding. The American Academy of Pediatrics ..."
  • milk from a sippy cup in 2 answers "... of the day, but replaced it with cuddling while drinking milk from a sippy-cup."
  • taste of cows milk in 2 answers "It could be that she is allergic, or does not like the taste of cows’ milk."