vitamin c serum

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Results 71-80 from 154 articles

Acne Still? TMI?

M.O. asks from Chicago

I'm pushing 40 and STILL have acne breakouts. Usually it's minor pimples, but this past month I've been stressed planning a family vacation and my skin looks HORRIBL...


Hair Thinning

M.M. asks from Dallas

Have any of you experienced hair thinning at a young age? I am 32, and recently had a miscarriage, so I guess it could be hormone/stress related. However, I could als...


Has Anyone Else Experienced This Problem?

V.B. asks from Dallas

My husband is 66 and has been experiencing numbness in his feet. Sometimes they feel like they just aren't there. He has been to a neurologist, had xrays and an MRI o...


Good Skin Care!!

A.L. asks from Los Angeles

I feel like im getting such tired eyes, I have sensitive skin but I need something that will help with the little wrinkles im getting around my eyes.I don't mind spen...


Looking for Good Anti-wrinkle Cream

J.B. asks from Dayton

I am looking for a good anti-wrinkle cream, but just for around the eyes. I am willing to pay a decent price, but not a ton. Does anyone use anything that really work...


How Do You Get Rid on Undereye Circles?

K.H. asks from Johnson City

I have been battling undereye circles for a long time. Nothing seems to help. Does anyone have any ideas? I do get plenty of rest.. most of the time.. I am sure you c...


Baby Eczema Help!

J.L. asks from Sacramento

my 4-month-old son has eczema all over his body, face and head. I used steroid to keep it under control. But once I stopped applying steroid, the eczema comes back, e...


Adult Acne

C.E. asks from Los Angeles

I happen to be going through a very stressful time right now, and my chin always breaks out badly when this happens. Thank you for any suggestions you can provide for...


Dry Skin

B.G. asks from Reno

Hi Everyone. My 19 mo. old daughter and I are having a problem with really dry skin. We have hard water and are planning to get a water softener but would like to kn...


Need Suggestions for Daily Anti-aging Face Cleanser/ Moisturizer for Dry Skin

S.C. asks from Philadelphia

Hey all, I have fair, dry skin. I've been using Clinique since high school but have been feeling for some time that it's not what my skin needs anymore. I need some...

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