violent tantrum

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Results 11-20 from 371 articles

Violent and Frequent Tantrums by My Almost Three Year Old Son

M.D. asks from Detroit

My son will turn three on the 22nd of this month. On or around 02/01/2011 the frequency and intensity of his tantrums dramatically increased. His tantrums rose in f...


Toddler Refuses to Sleep Alone and Gets Violent When We Let Him Cry

A.T. asks from Los Angeles

I am at my wits' ends with my 2.5 yr old son. He has always been an easy one to go to bed, more or less, but recently, he has been demanding that we stay with him in ...


How to Handle Temper Tantrum Where 2 Year Son Hits Mom.

S.B. asks from San Francisco

Dr jekel and mr hide... My two year old son hits me when he gets mad, last night he head but me in the mouth. Time outs are not working. Any suggestions? He only h...


Toddler Throwing Tantrum

J.S. asks from Anchorage

My baby girl (who is 2 1/2yrs) has always been a well behaved little miss, and lately when she gets mad she hits and throws. She throws toys and hits me in the glasse...


Toddler Hitting

R.M. asks from Portland

My friend's 2 1/2 year old is into hitting. She has violent tantrums of hitting, kicking, and screaming. She also hits when she is not in a tantrum too. Any advice...


My 8 Year Old Daughter Is Having Tantrums Still.

K.G. asks from Orlando

My 8 year old daughter is a very intense child. If something does not go away she has a total violent tantrum. Yelling, screaming, throwing things, slamming doors. ...


Help!! Temper Tantrums

A.R. asks from Dallas

My 18 mos. old son has started to throw very violent temper tanturms, where he will bang his head on the floor and hit me. I have never been through this with a chil...


How Do/did YOU Handle Toddler Tantrums?

E.A. asks from El Paso

When your child is throwing a tantrum how do you handle it? How do you manage to stay calm? Do you feel embarrassed if ppl look? Have you ever given in just to get th...


Disciplining a 19Mo. Old??

R.M. asks from Dayton

what is the most effective non violent way to discipline a 19mo. old with a bad attitude? my son seems to be throwin tantrums when we drink or eat something he can't ...


4 Year Old with Frequent Temper Tantrums

J.P. asks from Boston

My best friend has a 4 year old who has very frequent, loud, violent outbursts. When I say frequent, I mean at least 3 a day. The smallest thing will set him off. ...

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