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Results 71-80 from 3,255 articles

Weird Al Speaks to the Illiterate Trolls....

J.S. asks from Richland

It is a parody of Blurred Lines. If you can't write in the proper way If you don't know how to conjugate Maybe you flunked that class And maybe now you find Th...


Good Games?

J.M. asks from Green Bay

I would like to get the boys a PS2 game for Christmas. I am completely lost when it comes to video games other than Tetris and old school arcade type games. I'm loo...


Getting Kids Interested in Reading for Enjoyment

L.R. asks from Boston

Hi…I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on getting kids interested in picking up books and just reading. My son reads well for his age, but he would rathe...


5 Year Old Gets Angry and Growls When Loses Patience

B.M. asks from Louisville

My 5 year old son loves to play games -video, playstation, computer. When he comes to a section he can't pass, he gets really angry and yells and growls. I've asked h...


Books !!!

M.P. asks from Sarasota

My 6yr old girl is into Chapter books. SHe always borrows from the library.. yesterday we got her the Diaryof a Wimpy kid - in order to make our own collection ANy s...


Independent Play

C.S. asks from Houston

Any ideas what to do when my 3yr old wakes up earlier than usual and I still need to get ready and shower... He wants to watch a video and I'd rather not have him wat...


Mom's Dealing with Autistic Kid

M.A. asks from Los Angeles

Just wondering if there are any other Mom's dealing with an autistic child. I have a 5 yr old, getting ready to start kindergarten tomorrow and his "ped" say's he may...


How Do You Nicely Turn down a Play Date?

A.J. asks from Atlanta

You guys were so awesome with my last question I have another for ya! How do you nicely turn down a play date? My daughter has a friend that she's had since kindergar...


Making Kids Laugh

F.P. asks from St. Louis

What kinds of fun things do you do or say to make your kids laugh? I grew up in a strict family. My dad worked all day and my mom worked and cleaned all the time. T...


Transitioning from a Crib to a Bed - When??

M.W. asks from New York

Hi all! I have a 25 mo old daughter. She sleeps in her crib for naps and at night. She rarely cries at night (knock on wood) and sleeps all the way through...once ...

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Answer Highlights

  • lego star wars in 3 answers "I have to second Lego Star Wars, my 9 year old son just loves this game."
  • harry potter series in 2 answers "We loved the Harry Potter series."
  • lion the witch and the wardrobe in 2 answers "Lewis series The Lion The witch and the wardrobe and so did my son and daughter."
  • series of unfortunate events in 3 answers "I was not a big fan of The Series of Unfortunate Events, but the kids seemed to like ..."
  • roald dahl in 2 answers "I second Kaitie's Roald Dahl suggestion, though *my* favorite was and is the BFG ..."