understanding babies cries

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Results 31-40 from 920 articles

6 Month Old - Early Signs of Separation Anxiety

G.S. asks from Chicago

Hi all - My 6 month old has always been a very easy-going and happy baby who adapted well to being held by friends and family. However, recently she has started ...


Crying and Whining

A.D. asks from Boston

Hi Mamas, I would just like to know if this is just a stage or something I should be worried about. My 3 YO boy has started whining and crying ALL THE TIME. from the...


Not Enjoying My 3Yo

M.A. asks from New York

hi all, i currently have a just turned 3yo and a 16mo. my 3yo has always been a good boy until recently. lately he cries over everything. if he doesn't get what h...


3Yr Old Son Having a Hard Time with Change at School & Home

D.D. asks from New York

First a little bit of background: My 3yr old(middle child) has a very melancholy personality. He cries a lot. Its his way of expressing himself when he's hurt, an...


My Baby Crying Is Making Me So Nervous!

A.M. asks from Jonesboro

When my 16 month old cries, she makes me so anxious and nervous, that I feel like crying. Help!! I'm so nervous right now. She is supposed to be napping right now and...


4 Month Old Will Only Nap in the Swing.

S.E. asks from Denver

I am starting to try to get my 4 month old to fall asleep on his own and it is killing me. He cries and cries. I know this phase doesn't last long but I hate it. D...


5 Month Old Wont Let Me Put Her Down....

T.P. asks from Lancaster

My 5 month old cries when I put her down and cries when someone else holds her. I have 3 other kids in the house ages 7, 6, and3 so I dnot want them to feel like I'm ...


Need Help Putting Baby to Sleep and Looking for a Playgroup

Y.G. asks from Houston

Hello, I have a 7 week old baby girl. I have been having a hard time putting her to sleep. She cries if you put her in her crib and won't stop until you pick her up. ...


8 And a Half Month Old That Wont crawl...help???

S.B. asks from Salt Lake City

Hi I have a 8 and a half month old that won't crawl for nothing. I try to put things in front of him, I myself lay in front of him and try to get him to crawl to me, ...



E.D. asks from Washington DC

My son is a little over 6 months and weighs about 22 pounds. He hasnt started crawling yet or really expressed much interest in doing so. I was wondering if anyone e...

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Answer Highlights

  • 3 4 year old class in 2 answers "... class and that he is upset about leaving his peers in the 3-4 year old class."
  • take a deep breath in 3 answers "Take a deep breath don't push it, some just want to do it all on their own when they ..."
  • drive yourself crazy in 2 answers "And you will drive yourself crazy worrying all the time, but it certainly is our perrogative ..."
  • just go right to walking in 2 answers "I have even heard that some kids never crawl and will just go right to walking ..."
  • went straight to walking in 2 answers "My niece was a non crawler also she went straight to walking some just do that."