travel toys for toddler

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Results 31-40 from 1,300 articles

Air Travel with Toddler and Infant

J.D. asks from Rochester

Any advice to cope with flying with a 3 month old and a 2 year old?


Naps and Sleeping During Travel for a Toddler

K.H. asks from Detroit

We are going on vacation next week with our 15-month-old daughter. She is a very routine-oriented baby and still needs her two naps a day. I haven't had her take a na...


Airplane Travel for a Toddler

C.F. asks from Pittsburgh

My sister-in-law, my nephew, my son, my mother, and I are going to the beach this summer. Because of a wedding, I have to fly down to AL with my son. I've been lookin...


Should I Put Walking Toys Away? Toddler Being a Wee Bit Lazy.

S.C. asks from Omaha

So, our 16 month old has indeed started taking steps, as far as half way across the living room before sitting back down. So not fully mastering it, but still has it!...


Seeking Tips for International Travel with Toddler

A.K. asks from Washington DC

My husband and I are planning a trip to France this fall. Our daughter will then be 20 months. We're staying in a "self catering" home to allow for extra space and a ...


Airplane Travel

H.G. asks from Dallas

I'm going to be flying to San Diego with my 11 month old twins next week. We've flown with them before, but this time I'm traveling with a friend because my husband ...


Airplane Toys

F.B. asks from New York

Mamas & Papas- We've got a long flight ahead of us with our 3.5 year old. Last time we did a trip like this, he was just under 2 and the Mellisa & Doug Latched bo...


Toys for Toddlers

E.S. asks from Austin

Hi, I have a very busy 21 month old boy... I would like to ask all the moms of toddlers, "what is your toddlers favorite toy?" Everytime, i buy a learning toy or ju...


Best Toys for 3 Year Old

J.C. asks from Detroit

Grandparents are starting to ask for a Christmas list. What are some toys for a 3 year old that she will actually play with? I would like some educational toys as w...


Car Travel with a 23 Month Old

S.B. asks from Burlington

We have a family vacation coming up that will involve a couple of plane rides and several long car rides. Our 23 month old is a healthy and outgoing regular toddler....

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Answer Highlights

  • portable dvd player in 5 answers "We invested in a portable dvd player on our last trip and I got some new videos for ..."
  • portable dvd player in 3 answers "... to keep them from screaming and crying in their seats. A portable DVD player ..."
  • dry erase markers in 2 answers "... cartoon movie (you can turn it on low vol) Dry erase board & dry erase markers ..."
  • letter factory dvd in 2 answers "... Computer, LeapFrog leap pad, PlayDough ice cream factory, Letter Factory DVD ..."
  • during take off and landing in 2 answers "... bottles to help with the ears--have them suck away during take-off and landing."