transitioning to one nap

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Results 61-70 from 1,651 articles

Nap Schedule for My 16 Month Old

N.H. asks from Tampa

My son has continued on a 2 nap per day schedule since he was about 9 months. The way it has usually worked is he goes to sleep 2 hours after waking up and then when ...


2 Month Old Does Not Nap

C.I. asks from Grand Forks

I'm not sure what to do with my 2 month old - she doesn't nap very well at all. She falls asleep in my arms and then when i put her down, she's asleep for about 2 to ...


I'm Confused About Nap Times for an Infant

G.T. asks from Boston

My little gal is almost 4 months old, and I know at this age (so I read anyways) that they should not stay awake longer than 2-2.5 hours. But then I've read their n...


How Do You Get Your Baby to Nap?

V.S. asks from Philadelphia

I have a 4 month old baby boy who I can't seem to get on a schedule or to take naps (longer than a cat nap). He will fall asleep in the car. He will fall asleep on ...


Toddler Nap Time

B.J. asks from Portland

So I think that they should have a whole section on here for sleeping issues because it is such a tough part of parenting... Anyhow here is the issue I need advise o...


CoSleeping Nap Advice

J.Z. asks from San Diego

My son is 9 1/2 months old and has slept with us from Day 1. I have a few concerns and wanted to see what other cosleeping mom's are doing. 1. Nap time. He bas...


Turning One

S.D. asks from Detroit

My twin girls will be turning one in a month. My questions may be silly, but this is my first time around!! No more Gerber food and if so how will you know when they...


What Age Do Infants/toddlers Give up Their 2Nd Nap?

M.B. asks from Chicago

My son will be one next week and he's starting to only want to take one nap from 10/11 till 2 or so. Is this normal to give up the second nap at age 1?


Transitioning to Pack and Play for Naps

T.T. asks from Sacramento

Does anyone have any advice on transitioning a baby from the crib to a Pack and Play for naps? My son goes to daycare and our daycare lady uses a Pack and Play for na...


Could 11 Month Old Be Ready for 1 Nap a Day?

J.K. asks from Washington DC

My 11 month old seems to be transitioning to one nap a day. (She basically refuses to nap before 11am, and will refuse to nap again in the afternoon.) Could she be ...

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Answer Highlights

  • no cry sleep solution in 2 answers "... forever, but I intend to do it as long as I can! :) The No Cry Sleep Solution ..."
  • nap right after lunch in 2 answers "I transitioned his nap right after lunch around 12-12:30 till about 2:30-3pm."
  • healthy sleep habits in 6 answers "I found a lot of help from the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child". I also tried ..."
  • anywhere from 30 minutes in 2 answers "... is up until about 8:30am usually and then sleeps for anywhere from 30 minutes ..."
  • highly recommend the book in 2 answers "I HIGHLY recommend the book "Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child""