toys toddlers

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Sanitizing Cloth Toys

J.V. asks from Austin

Any one with good idea on how to sanitize a stuffed toy...have several non washing able with plastic and cloth and some with music inside... Has anyone come up with a...


Dallas Store Selling Wooden Toys for Toddlers and Preschoolers

D.K. asks from Dallas

Hello everyone! Hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas weekend. I have been searching for good wooden toys, especially cars and building blocks for my 2 year ol...


How Many Toys Should Be Enough for 15 Months Old Toddlers?

S.L. asks from Washington DC

I live in a townhouse that has three bedrooms and full basements. Most of time my daughter and i are in the living room where we put her toys there. we have Playskoo...


Any Good Magnet Toys for the 'Fridge? Oh, and Good Bath Toys?

S.Y. asks from Pittsburgh

I love you guys...thanks for all of your responses...:) My dd just discovered that the fridge is magnetic! I have been letting her play (supervised, of course) wit...


Old Fashioned Toddler Pull Toys

D.M. asks from Waterloo

I have recently found the cutest pull toys for toddlers ages 3 and up that are a pellet stuffed animal on wooden wheels that a child can pull along with them. Do you ...


Almost 15 Month Old Toys

D.S. asks from Philadelphia

Hi Mommy's! Hope this finds everyone doing great! I think my daugther is getting bored with her toys and feel like they've paid for themselves at this point and am re...


When Do Toddlers Begin Using Utensils for Eating?

J.S. asks from Kansas City

Hi ladies, I was wondering at what age toddlers begin using utensils to feed themself? Also, do you have suggestions for practicing with utensils? Thanks so ...


Seeking Books Regarding Discipline for Toddlers

E.T. asks from Cleveland

I would like to teach my toddlers to behave as best as possible. They are beginning to 'push the limit," test us, have tantrums, hit each other, and take toys or oth...


Your Picks for Top Developmental Toys for Baby?

J.S. asks from New York

Can you mommies share your top Cognitive Developmental Toys for baby? My LO is 5 months old. There are so many out there, my head is spinning! Any good websites th...


Picking up Toys After My Two Year Old

N.W. asks from Chicago

I just want to ask you mum, what's your approach to picking up/organizing toys with your toddlers? My two year old used to be very tidy during her playtime, and would...

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Answer Highlights

  • duplo blocks in 2 answers "... they might not still be interesting to an old hat) We didn't start Duplo blocks ..."
  • three letter words in 2 answers "ones where they make three letter words and then say the word."
  • each letter makes in 2 answers "... Playful phonics songs help children remember the sound each letter makes."
  • clorox and lysol in 2 answers "Clorox and Lysol (the normal kinds) are poison and shouldn't be used on the toys."
  • magnetic surface in 2 answers "... combination sings a song and all pieces attach securely to any magnetic surface."