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Results 51-60 from 156 articles


M.M. asks from Los Angeles

I was talking to a Mom friend of mine and I was telling her this funny story… After grocery shopping the other day with my child, I was talking to my husband on ...


Preparing for Kindergarden

M.F. asks from Denver

Hi Moms I am looking for a book or curriculum for my 16th mth that will help him when he starts Pre School and Kindergarden. Do you know of an online program or boo...


Teaching My 4 Year Old to Read.

M.T. asks from Dallas

Hi mama's, My daughter is 4 years old and will attend kinderguarden fall 2011. She is super smart but she doesn't even know how to real atleast one word. I really ...


How Much Do You Spend on Your Kid's Birthdays?

C.M. asks from St. Louis

My kids both have a birthday in August. We have a very large immediate family on both sides that live close who want to celebrate as well as a lot of friends with kid...


A Question for 3Rd Grade Teachers/parents

B.C. asks from Dallas

My 9 year old is struggling a lot in math this year. She scored a 19 on her benchmark TAKS pre-test. Her report card grades are OK. She made one A, 3 Bs, and a C. But...


Cleaning Hardwood Floors

A.R. asks from Atlanta

i just recently purchased a house with hardwood floors i need advice on how to clean them i used a swifter and it made my floors sticly . thanks A.


Stranger Danger

V.J. asks from Phoenix

I was at Arrowhead Mall today and had a very unsettling experience. I had my 2 yr old in a single stroller. My 3 yr old basically refuses to hold my hand or onto the ...


Pregnant and Feeling Guilty for Being Miserable

K.J. asks from Nashville

Hello ladies. I am having some issues. I am only 7 weeks pregnant, but I am sooo sick and sleep deprived already. I thought my morning sickness with my daughter wa...


Games for 2 Year Old

B.J. asks from Kansas City

I was just wondering if any moms had any great games they play with their kids? My son is 2 and a half and just loves games, like hi ho cherrio, don't break the ice,...


When It Rains. . .

F.B. asks from New York

Mamas & Papas- A bit of a vent and a bit of gratitude. So, seems like I've caught the bad end of karma of late. 1. the new dentist that we went to, and love, ...

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