tongue cancer

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Results 71-80 from 309 articles

Opinion on Probiotics in Formula Vs. a Probiotic Supplement

J.S. asks from Minneapolis

Hello, I am currently breastfeeding my son and will need to begin supplementing with formula soon. I respectfully request no comments about supplementing with formu...


Soo Soo Tired of Mil Comments!

J.B. asks from Los Angeles

my mil is famous for making comments all the time. my daughter is helping wipe down the doors with my mil. fine doesnt bother me at all because i will be cleaning her...



K.G. asks from Boca Raton

Anyone out there with MS? What were your symptoms? How long did it take to get the"right" diagnosis? Were you "misdiagnosed" for awhile? Did they find lesions right a...


When I Know Better?

B.P. asks from Boston

Hi all, I've been reading a lot of stuff lately about plastic bottles, and how they can cause women to become infertile. My niece is desperate to have a second bab...


Canker Sores for 19 Month Old

A.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hi!I am feeling a bit discouraged because I think my daughter has canker sores. Anyways, we had two nights of no sleep because she was crying,had a fever, drooling li...


In-Home Hospice

R.R. asks from Los Angeles

My Dad is coming home from the hospital/nursing home on Sunday to begin in-home hospice care. He is in 4th stage renal failure, and has leukemia. He fell five days ...


Need Encouragment--smoking Updated-day 2

B.S. asks from Houston

Ok moms....I have smoked since I was 19. I am now 32. I have tried to quit over and over again. My father (who lives with me is going to quit with me). My last cig wa...


Periods Come and Go whenever---HELP!

C.R. asks from Modesto

Hi there, I have had this going on for quite a while now, I really don't keep track, but probably a few years. My periods (which really don't seem like periods all t...


Need Your Opinions And/or Suggestions

M.A. asks from Dallas

I am hoping my fellow Mamas out there can help me with this. My daughter is 22 years old and engaged to the father of my precious 2 yo beautiful grandbaby. I totally...

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