three year old height and weight

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My 2 Year Old Weight

P.A. asks from Raleigh

My two year old daugther weighs 57 pounds she has gain four pounds since November and Im doing everything there is to do she dont eat after 6, she is on a diet where ...


How to Lose the Rest of the Weight to Reach My Goal Weight.

B.A. asks from Tulsa

I have 2 kids, 6 and an almost eight year old. A couple of years after I had the last child I had to have a full hysterectomy. This helped me lose about 30 pounds. ...


1 Y/o Losing Weight

M.L. asks from Dallas

My son just went to his 1 year check and has lost weight. Right now he weighs 17 bs 12 oz and has lost weight the last two times we've been to the doctor. At this poi...


Ready to Loss Weight!

K.M. asks from Richmond

Hi Moms out there! I am so ready to lose weight and be able to fit back into my sexy clothes again. I feel fat and very uncomfortable. I don't know how I let myself d...


Daughter Not Gaining Weight

A.M. asks from Denver

Anyone have any advice on treating a child who has not gained much weight in 6 months and who went from being in the 10th percentile for weight to not being on the we...


Daughter Is in 3Rd Percentile for Weight

S.H. asks from San Francisco

Does anyone have any experience with their children being in a very low percentile for weight? My daughter is in the 3rd percentile for weight. She is very petite, bu...


Weight Gain for Toddler

M.S. asks from Las Vegas

Hi again, i have a daughter whose 2 yrs old, she measures i believe would say 34 inches, im not sure her last physical was in february, anyway when i took her to see ...


Slow Weight Gain in 9 Month Old

L.T. asks from Portland

Hi Moms, My 9 month old son has always been small-10th % in weight but average in height and head size. He just had his 9 month appointment and has fallen off the ch...


Getting 5 Year Old's Weight Back on Track??

J.F. asks from Fayetteville

My daughter is almost 5. She's always been small, she was 5.8lbs when she was born and wore a 0-3 month skirt until she was a year old. Well, I'm pregnant and have ha...


4 Year Old Gaining Weight

E.Z. asks from Chicago

My son was born with allergies to food and was off the 7 major food groups by one. By 4 he outgrew them all, the last being wheat (oh, he is still off dairy). Since h...

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