the soccer ball

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Pierced Ears and Soccer

B.H. asks from Kansas City

My daugher got her ears pierced over the weekend and her soccer league does not allow any jewelry. I have to take out her ear rings for games. Is this okay, they wo...


HELP! Soccer Scheduling Conflict!

T.M. asks from Tampa

I signed my 3 and 5 year old children up back in August to start Soccer in December. This is with an independent sports company...not a school or recreation center. ...


Soccer Practice and Lack of Interest

S.B. asks from Kansas City

My 4 year old son begged me to play soccer so we shelled out the money and for the first class he was lost, but ran around with the other kids in the pack. Second c...


Soccer for 4Yr Olds,

B.P. asks from Cleveland

we are thinking about signing our daughter up for fall soccer this year, she loves to play at home so we figured why not. We asked her and she said she wants to as we...


Soccer Coach Is Unfair and Unfriendly

B.H. asks from Minneapolis

I have a problem with my daughter's soccer coach. My daughter is 6 and this is her 3rd soccer team she played both last fall and spring.This past spring she did aweso...


Crappy Soccer Coaches

S.C. asks from Milwaukee

My daughter (5K) joined a soccer team through our city's parks and recreation department. Each elementary school has practice at the school. We have 2 coaches, a bo...


Any Moms Coaching Soccer....?

A.M. asks from Chicago

I'm coaching 1st & 2nd grade girls recreational soccer this year. It was not my plan to be the coach, it just sort of happened. I have never played, and I have neve...


I Am Confused - Children's Soccer Team...

T.M. asks from Tampa

My children are on a soccer team for the winter season...the entire season is 8 weeks long. There are only 7 kids on the team. It was NOT inexpensive to pay the fee...


Seeking Info About T-ball

N.F. asks from Austin

My little boy will be 3 in September. We've talked about t-ball. Do any of you mamas know who to contact to find out about signing up for t-ball or some other fun s...


Tee-Ball For a Four Year Old

J.H. asks from Austin

I'm looking for tee-ball lessons for my four year old but can't seem to find any. All I can find is soccer. He will be five in October. I'm looking in the Pflugerv...

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Answer Highlights

  • welcome to the political world of sports in 2 answers "Welcome to the political world of sports. And it doesn't get any better."
  • 3 5 year olds in 4 answers "There isn't anybody out scouting 3-5 year olds for professional sports of any kind."
  • put them right back in 2 answers "... be too early to take them out at all, but maybe not if you put them right back ..."
  • when you talk to the coach in 2 answers "... to understand exactly what you are seeing. 2. When you talk to the coach ..."
  • pierced ears in 3 answers "I am one of those old relics that doesn't have pierced ears, so this may be totally ..."