teething molar

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Results 71-80 from 252 articles

9 Month Old with Different Teething Pattern

M.E. asks from Chicago

Ok, I'm not sure if this is normal so I figured I'd get your perspectives. My son got his front bottom tooth a month ago then a couple weeks later I looked and he has...


Is This Diaper Rash? or Something Else?

J.M. asks from Boston

Hello mommies, My 15 month old daughter only seems gets diaper rash when she's teething. For the last week or so, she's had this diaper rash that just won't go aw...


15 Mth. Appears to Have Bruised or Dark Spot on Swollen Gum??? Help!

J.B. asks from New York

My son has a dark spot on his top gums what appears to be a bruised gum or decayed. I can't tell what it is. Is this normal for a molar coming in? Of course it ...


16 Month Has Low Grade Fever for Three Days but with No Other Symptoms

L.F. asks from Tyler

Hi Moms. My 16 month old daughter has ran a fever for three days now. She has no other symptoms..not even a runny nose. She hasn't been pulling on her ears, and reall...


Refused Food

E.L. asks from Los Angeles

First let me Thank You all the mom out there. I am a first time mom, and recently my 2 year old son who is a very good eater started to refused food. I notice tha...


About ER

K.I. asks from Oklahoma City

Hi ! I need some advise I called my ped. Office and is close . My 2 y/o is been cutting her molar but they are out already so I don't think this is part of it. Sinc...


When to Move to a Toddler Bed? 1St Year Molars?

S.R. asks from Des Moines

I had a friend mention moving my son 14 months to a toddler bed soon. Just wondering when others moved their kids and when "too soon is too soon?" I know part of it i...


Does Your Child Have a "Summer Virus"?

J.T. asks from New York

On Monday morning my one year old daughter had a 101 fever. I gave her Tylenol infant drops, plenty of fluids, and called the pediatrician. The fever went down to 9...


Zombie Mom

C.P. asks from Phoenix

my baby is teething, this tooth apparently hurts more than the others did. he had to have a booby in his mouth ALL night long. or else he screamed. i am so tired my e...


What Happened to My Good Sleeping Baby?

C.P. asks from Denver

Hi, mamas, I have a problem. My baby is now a 14 MO toddler. She has always been a GREAT sleeper. We've been able to put her down awake at 8:30 pm and she just ...

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Answer Highlights

  • fever with no other symptoms in 2 answers "One of my daughters (now 5) occasionally has a fever with no other symptoms."
  • really bad diaper rash in 2 answers "Hi J.- Our daughter got really bad diaper rash this past summer after eating strawberries."
  • healthy sleep habits in 3 answers "Try the book, Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, by Dr."
  • like a yeast infection in 3 answers "It really sounds more like a yeast infection to me and is not at all uncommon in infants."
  • athletes foot in 4 answers "It's for athlete's foot, really, but when my son had a diaper rash that wouldn't go ..."