Teach Your Child To Read

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Results 61-70 from 21,826 articles

How to Stay Motivated to Teach

M.C. asks from Dallas

I am a stay at home mom, I have a 28 month old and a 13 month old. For my 28 month old I taught her sign language she knew all of her animals, shapes, I started teac...


How Did You Teach Your Teen About Money

K.S. asks from Denver

Currently, DD is 15 and is super busy with sports and school, so she relies on us for money. She is pretty good at accepting limits and understanding when something i...


Why Teach Boys to Do Domestic Chores?

M.M. asks from Chicago

After reading many posts and answers on this site about DIL-MIL dynamics I had one nagging question on the back of my mind… Why teach my son chores, domestic respon...


I Teach My Kid to Lie....

M.. asks from Detroit

My friend Sara babysat for me the other night so I could go to my hair appointment. She said, come over early and I will make you dinner. Shes a peach :). But any...


Your Baby Can Read

K.M. asks from Cleveland

My husband and I are interested in "Your Baby Can Read" has anyone used it and do you recommend it?


"Your Baby Can Read"

A.T. asks from Provo

I watched a program on TV the other day called "your baby can read". Basically you can buy this program that has movies, books, and notecards that can teach your baby...


"Your Baby Can Read"

N.S. asks from Phoenix

I was curious to hear the opinion of those who have actually used the "Your Baby Can Read" program.


Your Baby Can Read

R.P. asks from Minneapolis

I'm sure I'm not the only mom out thats seen the (Your Baby Can Read) clips on TV. I'm wondering if anyones tried it? Does it really work? I had alot of trouble learn...


Teaching My Son to Read

S.C. asks from Boston

i am interested in starting to teach my just turned 5 year old how to read but im not sure where to begin. we have lots of those easy reader books and he' s been in ...


How to Teach a 7 Year Old to Read?

T.W. asks from Chicago

My 7 yr old is slightly behind on reading. I need advice on how to get her to memorize the words.

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