tall women's clothing

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Results 11-20 from 256 articles

Need Advice: Changing OB/GYN Late in Pregnancy

... negative about my weight because I have always been very tall and skinny .... Lawrenceville called Preferred Women's Healthcarethere are 4 doctors but I ...

Suggestions for an Infant Formula That Tastes like Breastmilk

3 Sep 2009 ... container in steaming hot water like a tall tupperware and let it .... metallic smell That is very common because some women's milk has ...

Plus Sized Girls' Clothing

D.R. asks from New York

My almost 5y.o. daughter is tall and heavy for her age. In addition, she is showing signs of precocious puberty causing her hips to be wider than most girls her age (...


Fashionable Mens Clothing

J.C. asks from Minneapolis

My husband has grown tired of wearing polo shirts and slacks to the office every day. Do any of you have fashionably-dressed signifant others? Where do they shop? Wha...


Larger Size Tween Girl

L.H. asks from Orlando

Hi everyone. I have a 9 year old daughter who is a little overwieght for her age. She is tall for her age and has a large frame. She constantly gets upset over her we...


One Year Old Wearing 6 Month Clothes

M.B. asks from Wichita

My niece has always been very tiny. Two months ago she celebrated her one year birthday and she is the same size as her perfectly healthy 5 month old cousin. Even th...


My Husband Won't Be Quiet About My Little Girl's Belly!

J.H. asks from Austin

My daughter is 7 and a 1/2, and she is now wearing a size 8/10. She is 4'2" and 74#. She is really tall and has a long torso. But her belly pooches, so my husband thi...


Need Help in Finding Jeans to Fit My 3Yr Old Son

L.M. asks from Tampa

Ok ladies, I need your help. My beautiful son is almost 3 1/2 yrs old and is VERY tall and slim. He can wear pants and shorts in a size 18-24mths but the problem is...


I Have a Question About Strangers Touching and Making Coments About My Son.

J.D. asks from Dallas

OK almost every place we go at least one stranger decides its ok to start touching my son. I know his a baby and cute and all but what's the deal? They don't even ask...


Sort of on Topic, Thinking I Might Want Implants After Weight Loss

H.F. asks from Salt Lake City

Hi all. Right now I weigh 166 pounds, and am only 5'1" tall. I hold my weight well, but am noticing that I am getting short of breath easier and tire alot easier, s...

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