stress symptoms

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Results 51-60 from 6,027 articles

What Medication Are You Taking for Stress Related Headaches?

K.A. asks from Little Rock

I was diagnosed with stress related headaches as a young elementary student. I can remember taking a daily medication for it as a child for several years. I have co...


Extreme Stress Followed by Rectal Bleeding

M.Q. asks from New York

Hello everyone! I have a friend who i am very concerned about. When she gets really stressed out she has a rapid onset of abdominal pressure followed by a rapid onset...


Home from Afghanistan, Stress Levels Are Out of Control.

C.H. asks from New York

Since my husband has returned from Afghanistan roughly 2 months ago his stress levels are shocking. We have our toddler twins who are into everything and he just can'...


Pregnancy Symptoms

S.M. asks from San Francisco

Hello mamas, I'm about 10 weeks pregnant with my second child. It is a wonderful blessing to be pregnant again; however, my body is a total wreck! I have horrible m...


No Pg Symptoms

C.G. asks from New York

newly pg and experiencing nothing to remind me i am pg. with first baby, i had every symptom in the book. 2 miscarriages later, i am worried. first 2 beta tests have ...


Weird Symptoms

S.C. asks from Dallas

My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for a year now. I got pregnant in May and miscarried in July. We have since been trying again. My period was due M...


Loss of Pregnancy Symptoms at 10 Weeks

B.S. asks from Tampa

I'm 10 weeks pregnant and for the past week I have lost all symptoms of pregnancy- no nausea, smells don't bother me, not constipated, sleeping fine. I have thought f...


Psychotherapy for the Relief of Physical Symptoms Related to Anxiety

R.S. asks from Chicago

I am just wondering how many of you have sought therapy for somatic symptoms and if so, did it help you? I have had more than a few physical complaints and seen my fa...


Could These Strange Symptoms Be a Sign of Seasonal Allergies ?Follow Up

L.C. asks from Raleigh

Please refer to my previous post for the long list of symptoms............. SO my friend took her daughter to her doctor for the second time since her same eye is ...


Ttc #2 - Pregnancy Symptoms but Not Pregnant?

K.N. asks from San Diego

Has anyone month after month experienced pregnancy symptoms but turned out to not be pregnant? I am 38 and ttc #2 had a miscarriage 5 months ago after trying for 7 m...

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