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Results 41-50 from 1,519 articles

Need Fluffy Bed Spread! but How?

M.G. asks from Dallas

Hello moms, I'm addicted to this site since my friend Esmy referred me! Anyway, I am writing to ask you mothers how do I get the "fluffy" bed look? I want something l...


Science Fair

M.F. asks from Atlanta

Hi ladies!! You've always been there for me and I am so thankful to have you to count on and I need you again for some ideas. My 2 older boys are in K and 1st they ha...


Scrapbooking Professional Photos

K.M. asks from Columbus

I was wondering if anyone has scrapbooked their child's professional photos and how to best go about doing so. I keep photo albums of regular shots and I don't think...


Has Anyone Bought a Compost Bin? Need Advice.

C.L. asks from Minneapolis

We would like to start composting our compostable food trash and leaves. Has anyone bought one? Do you love it/hate it? Is there a store around that has them on di...


Whats the Shelf Life of a School Art Project?

A.R. asks from Boston

we get at least 3 art projects home from school a running out of room and finding it hard to rotate and display the new ones because picasso wont let anyth...


Displaying Completed Scrapbooks???

P.S. asks from Houston

I have 20+ huge thick scrapbooks which I've done over the years and I'm having a very hard time finding a way to display them nicely. My main problem is I can't find...


What Do I Do with All the Precious Projects Made by My Kids?

M.J. asks from Chicago

My son is only in his second semester of his first year of preschool and already I am overwhelmed with the projects accumulating in our home. I display some by cloth...


Crafty Ideas for Old School Desk

K.M. asks from Chicago

Each class in our school does a project for parents to bid on at our school auction. This year our 1st grade class has been given an old school desk to maybe work int...


Looking for Creative Idea for What to Do with Cards....

L.T. asks from Chicago

Hi everyone! My sister recently lost her husband to cancer - and as a result, an outpouring of cards have come to her...literally hundreds of cards! I'm looking for ...


3 Yo How to Get in Bed, and Where to Buy Car Bed.

C.W. asks from Washington DC

Okay, my son climbed out of his crib repeatedly at 2 yrs 9 mo. He is very mechanical and could figure the crib tent out, so we converted his bed to a toddler bed. Th...

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  • taco bell hot sauce in 2 answers "... pennies I remember we used to do that in college as a joke. Taco Bell hot sauce ..."
  • science fair projects in 2 answers "... Hundreds of free science fair projects ..."
  • science fair project in 2 answers "... Science Fair Project ..."
  • creative memories consultant in 2 answers "I am a Creative Memories consultant with a web site where you can see these products ..."
  • put baking soda in 2 answers "... letting him make a homemade volcano out of paper mache? You put baking soda ..."