stop divorce

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Divorce Support Advice Needed

K.S. asks from Dallas

I have a friend going through a divorce that is nearly final, and there are children involved. This 'couple' has many friends that are in the same supportive circl...


Need Urgent Advice About Divorce!

L.C. asks from Los Angeles

Please help me. Very long story, so I'll try to just give the essentials. I just told my husband that I want a divorce. He is an alcoholic, although he denies it. ...


My Divorce Is Hurting So Much........

K.W. asks from Los Angeles

My divorce is not final however he is moved out and everyone adores him.....everyone thinks I am a big fool and nobody knows what really went on in our I...


Trying to Avoid a Divorce

S.W. asks from Atlanta

I am alone with no family or friends here and my husband walked out on me. We have been separated since July 8th,2009. My husband and I have been together 2 years and...


Any Mother Get a Divorce? Question

D.M. asks from Phoenix

ok i havent filed for divorce or anything yet but i just wanted to know what you mothers did. i mean if we both get custody what do you do when its the fathers turn? ...


Mommy Going Through a Rough Divorce

P.D. asks from Phoenix

I am reaching out to anyone that may have any advice for myself and my daughter. I left an extremely abusive relationship last October and filed for a divorce. I am...


Helping Children with Divorce

J.J. asks from Minneapolis

After a long time of staying in an unhealthy marriage, I have decided I need to get a divorce for the sake of the kids. I am starting to see the effects it is having...


Practical Divorce Advice

M.A. asks from Chicago

Hello, Due to my husband's drinking problem, I am contemplating a divorce. I of course am taking steps to help him with the drinking, save the marriage,counseling...


Divorce Advice Needed

K.G. asks from Chicago

Hi,I am looking for any and all advice I can get on going thru a divorce. Long story short -- I married a cheater. This has been going on since we decided to start a ...


Legal, Divorce Assistance

G.M. asks from Austin

Hi All, My husband and I have been separated slightly shy of two years. Before he left our home, he had obtained a divorce decree from a website for about $75.00 an...

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