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Results 61-70 from 75 articles

Curious... What Do YOU Think of Rick Perry?

N.G. asks from Dallas

As a Texan, I have been hearing a lot of "Rick Perry" buzz lately but I admittedly have not been keeping up with the latest and greatest of the impending electoral ra...


Seeking Parenting Advice

M.A. asks from Pocatello

I have a 14 year old daughter that is failing 5 of her 8 classes in school she has a bad attitude towards everything. She mentioned when she turns 16 shes dropping ou...



K.A. asks from Corpus Christi

I have been debating the whole immunization for several months. I have read as much as I can but all I seem to find is either the vaccine manufacturers public relatio...


Please Help Me !

N.R. asks from Beaumont

hello i am new at this and dont know if any one will respond , but i have a 10 yr old daughter who is going through all the changes. i am so concerned about her. ther...


School Field Trip

M.A. asks from Chicago

My 2nd grader wants to go on a field trip with his class tomorrow. But the class is taking a school bus to get to the destination. Before I even had kids I swore they...


Seeking Moms of ADD Children

L.D. asks from Huntsville

My son is 11 and has been diagnosed with ADD. He does not take medicine, I am learning about this disorder. Two nights ago he made the comment that he was going to h...


Helping a 2-Year-old Remember Mama

S.S. asks from Oklahoma City

My daughter has leukemia, and is waiting to find a match on the bone marrow donor list. In the meantime, her leukemia has flared up, and she will again have to do in...


Seeking Advice for 14 Year Old Unmotivated Boy

D.H. asks from Los Angeles

My 14 year old is seriosly unmotivated. This is his first year of high school and the first time he has brought home D's and F's. One each on every report card. Th...


Calling All Moms with Eczema Babies!

L.W. asks from Raleigh

I don't seem to be getting anywhere with my baby's doctor so I need any advice I can get. For those of you whom have had to deal with Eczema, how do you know what cau...


My Daughter Refuses to Listen About Money.

D.L. asks from Panama City

When my daughter go her first job over the summer we told her we weren't going to tell her how to spend the money or make her save it. We wanted her to learn these le...

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