speech development delay

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Speech Problems

H.C. asks from Denver

my daughter is 2 and a half, I have always noticed some issues with her speech. she has been pretty advanced in almost everything else including talking. She talks up...


Development Issues

Z.S. asks from Los Angeles

Is it my fault that my 2 year old son has speech delay and has sensory intregation? Could have I prevented this?


Expressive Language Delay

J.F. asks from Boston

I was wondering if any moms have delt with expressive language delay in any of their children? My 17 month old son doesnt speak at all. We are having him evaluated ...


When Is It No Longer Just a "Delay"

B.B. asks from New York

Hi Moms, There is a brother and sister that go to the babysitter that my son goes to. The boy will be 4 in August and can not walk without braces and a walk...


Speech Question

A.S. asks from Albany

My daughter has been receiving speech for about a year now. As we have made much progress and I am so proud of her. We still have a long way to go. We are almost 3 a...


Speech Therapy

K.F. asks from Nashville

My son is 20 months old. He has not started talking except for about 3 words. His Pediatrician referred him to speech therapy however......he had quite a few ear infe...


Speech Therapy

L.M. asks from Chicago

So my son turned 3 in October, and his speech seems delayed - more in pronunciation than not speaking at all. At his 3 yr appointment, the Dr was aware but didn't se...


Speech Classes

S.C. asks from Detroit

Hi there..My son is 28 months old and he still has problems with talking..I would say 60% of the time he uses (or tries)) to use his words and the rest of the time he...


My 2Yr Speech

T.D. asks from Chicago

I have a 2yr (turned 2 December 07) who can say simple words such as mama, dada, no, mine, etc but she can't really put two words together. My son, who is 6, was talk...


Speech Therapy

K.O. asks from Portland

My 3 year old son has a hard time with a lot of different sounds, such as "l, r, s". He was slow to start talking, but he says a bunch now it's just not that easy to...

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