soy candle

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Results 81-90 from 103 articles

First Time Kid Party Hosting

M.J. asks from Seattle

So my son is turning one years old already,and i'm officialy in my freshman year of kids party hosting. Although, he's merely experimenting with a few fruits and vegg...


Ear Infections

S.B. asks from Spokane

I have a 2yr old son who gets frequent ear infections. We were just at the doc's today and he has a double ear infection and pneumonia. The doctor keeps giving him ...


5 Month Old Cries ALL the Time

A.S. asks from Redding

Hi there, I have a 5 month old little girl that cries all the time. If she is awake she is almost guarenteed to be cring. She has been doing this for about 2 1/2-3 m...


Has Anyone Tried South Beach Diet or Any Diet That Works Well with Out Starving

P.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hi There, I am trying to find a diet program that I have not tried. I have done it all. I don't like counting calories. I don't like eating packaged foods. How is ...


Unknown Food Allergy

B.J. asks from Abilene

My daughter is 3 years old and had developed hives and welps all over her torso, arms, legs and behind when she woke up yesterday morning. We immediately went to the ...


Need Suggestions for a Christmas Gift

J.B. asks from Phoenix

I asked myself today what I was going to give my niece for Christmas. I am lost so I am turning to my "Mamasource Ladies" for help. My niece is 16. She dropped out...


Gift Idea for Picky Mom

L.W. asks from Dallas

Hi Mamma's! MY Mama lives in Canada, She is very well off. I have no idea what to get her! She buys whatever she wants anyway, plus she is SO picky! She cannot wea...


Pregnant with Migraines, HELP!!!!

V.P. asks from Louisville

Hello ladies, I need help. I am 18 weeks pregnant with my 4th child and am having headaches everyday, and bad migraines about once a week. I have migraines when I a...


Baby with Fluid in His Ear

K.V. asks from Atlanta

Hi everybody! I have a 13 months old baby boy, he had an ear infection las week, and it's the fourth one since November, well, the doctor said the infection was clear...


How Much Do Kid's Cost?

C.L. asks from Dallas

Hi! I'm newly married and my husband and I are wanting to plan and prepare (budget wise) to start a family. I'm a nanny so I'm well aware of all the 'stuff' kiddo's...

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