sore eye

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Very Sore Breast 3-5 Days Before Period

Jul 18, 2009 ... My breasts used to get really sore right before my period too, ... that could be a reason keep an eye on your caffeene and see if that helps ...

Clogged Tear Ducts

So, if your grandson's eyes are getting sore, I would give the baby's doctor a call and see when they can help him out. C. G. 1 mom found this helpful ...

Sore Knot on Back of My Scalp

Dr. Visits · Early Intervention · Eye Glasses · Eyes & Vision · First Aid ... My husband had a bump on the base of his head, it was very sore to touch or to ...

Huge and Sore Early on in My Second Pregnancy

Dr. Visits · Early Intervention · Eye Glasses · Eyes & Vision · First Aid ... Not only am I more sore, but I was comparing pictures from my first pregnancy ...

Sore Throat and Nursing

Read all 5 responses: "Anyone know what meds are safe for a sore throat while ... Dr. Visits · Early Intervention · Eye Glasses · Eyes & Vision · First Aid ...

5 Weeks Pregnant and No Sore Breasts

Aug 24, 2009 ... Dr. Visits · Early Intervention · Eye Glasses · Eyes & Vision · First Aid ... I am 5 weeks pregnant and do not have sore breasts. ...

15 Month Old Has a Sore Throat, How to Soothe It?

Dr. Visits · Early Intervention · Eye Glasses · Eyes & Vision .... That will soothe a sore throat. And it has no side effects unlike cold medicine. ...

My Breasts Are So Achy and Sore!

Sep 1, 2009 ... Read all 5 responses: "My boobs are so sore and achy! I am 3 days away from my period and have never had soreness in my breasts like this ...

One of My Breasts Is Sore

Oct 22, 2009 ... Dr. Visits · Early Intervention · Eye Glasses · Eyes & Vision · First Aid ... Having your little one nurse as much as possible on the sore ...

Still Sore When Breast Feeding My 3 Month Old

Read all 8 responses: "Is anyone out there still sore while breastfeeding? I have been using a nipple shield for 3 months due to latching issues.
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