sleep apnea test

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Anyone Else's Child Have a Severe Underbite/breathing Problems/tonsillectomy?

So far he had two hearing test that he did not passed. ... The tonsils and adenoids were so big it gave her sleep apnea, which aslo causes a higher pitch ...

Sleep Issues and Rad/asthma

I am not sure if I should get some test run on him at a sleep clinic to try .... He still has sleep apnea, asthma like problems much better now than when he ...

2 Year Old Sleep Problems

... is a huge no no and the reason why so many people suffer with sleep apnea. ... It is actually age approperiate for kids his age to test the sleeping ...

3 Year Old in a Sleep Study

He ended up with a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea, and boy am I glad we did the study! The way to think about it is not as a test to see if your son ...

3 1/2 Year Old Difficulty Breathing While Sleeping

My daughter was a premmie and had sleep APNEA and my father and I both have had ..... My friend's son was the same way. they did a sleep test on him on a ...

Dark Circle Under My 7 Year Old Sons Eyes

It is a simple blood test that can determine all the allergies. ... My daughter has dark circles under her eyes and she has sleep apnea so she doesn't get ...

Is It ADD/ADHD, Sleep Deprivation or Bad Parenting?

ADHD is over-diagnosed because there is no real way to test it. .... She had sleep apnea (tossing and turning at night, snoring, and would routinely come in ...

Worried About Three Old Snoring

Or they may test for allergies first to try to treat the allergies and if ..... Both of my children had sleep apnea because of their snoring and had both ...

Six Month Old Baby Boy Will Not Sleep

I talked to my ped, and she sent me for a swallow came back normal. ... We'd be upset and not be able to sleep if we had that burning sensation in ...

Need Advice or Experiences on My Sons Enlarged Tonsils.

I would just ask if its likley to cause sleep apnea(spelling? .... ear nose and throat doctor, because she did not pass her hearing test for kindergarten. ...
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