sign language signs

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Results 31-40 from 1,650 articles

Sign Language for Baby

T.B. asks from Dallas

Does anyone know of a free web site that teaches American Sign Language? I think it will help my baby communicate with us while he is still learning to talk. I gues...


Starting Sign Language

S.S. asks from Minneapolis

My son is 9 months old and seems to be a perfect candidate for sign language. He's very expressive and physically communicative, but he's hardly talking at all. Both ...


Wanting to Teach Sign Language

A.C. asks from Kansas City

I have a friend who said that teaching her daughter sign language before she was able to talk was helpful. She and the daycare taught her things like: please, thank ...


Sign Language HELP!

A.H. asks from Toledo

We just found out my 20 month old niece can't hear much if anything. My sister is going through all the dr appts and options....what good resources are out there for...


Baby Sign Language

A.S. asks from San Diego

Has anyone taught their baby sign language to be able to communicate a little more before they can talk? If so at what age did you start teaching it and most importan...


Baby Sign Language

N.W. asks from Los Angeles

I want to do the baby sign language for my daughter who is now 5 and a half months old. Can anyone tell me their success stories with this and which DVDs/books are t...


Baby Sign Language

A.M. asks from Grand Rapids

Im interested in starting baby sign language with my 5 month old. Has anyone ever done this? I read you are supposed to start at 6 months but I was just wondering if ...


Learning Sign Language

C.C. asks from Tampa

Hi Moms -- just wondering is anyone has been in this situation or have suggestions. My 4, almost 5 year old, is very interested in sign language. We have learned a ...


Sign Language Question...

E.J. asks from Seattle

So we have been working with our son on sign language since he was 6 months old (now 12 months). His favorite sign is "all done" and he likes to use it in an attempt ...


Baby Sign Language

A.H. asks from Houston

My child's daycare teachers say they don't do baby sign language.....but I swear my child just started signing to me. She holds out her and and closes four fingers...

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