should i let my 4 month old cry it out

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Results 51-60 from 14,880 articles

She Doesnt Cry for Cry It Out

A.A. asks from Chicago

hi guys, new here. my 5 month old baby girl is a very sweet baby. so sweet that once i decided to try CIO with her to help her learn how to sleep on her own, she does...


Cry It Out Mamas

S.L. asks from St. Louis

First- if you are against this method- I understand your position and appreciate it, but would we have tried many other methods and haven't had success. My little...


He Wont "Cry It Out"

K.R. asks from Sacramento

Our daily night time routing is give our baby a bath, read a book, nurse him till he sleeps, and lay him in the co-sleeper next to our bed. This usually works until ...


Cry It Out for Naps

M.B. asks from San Francisco

My one year old has never been a good sleeper. Although we have never stuck with any sleep training. He takes two naps (in my lap) and then goes to sleep about 7:30 (...


"Cry It Out" Advice

M.C. asks from Boston

I'm hoping some mamas can give me some advice on "sleep training." My son just had his first birthday last week, and I have just about reached my limit when it comes...


How Many Times or How Long Should I Let My 14Month Old Cry Before I Give In

A.B. asks from Dallas

All this week my 14month old wakes up crying and wants mom or dad to sleep with him in the spare bedroom. last night i tried to let him cry himself back to sleep and ...


Cry It Out?

N.E. asks from Pensacola

I have a 6.5 month old daughter. She has been an amazing nighttime sleeper since 8 weeks old. She is exclusively breastfed. She nurses before bed and sleeps approx. 7...


At What Age Can You Let Your Baby Cry It Out When Going to Sleep?

A.S. asks from Chicago

I have a 12 week old boy that wakes up every 2 hours throughout the night. I have been reading about extinction and gradual extinction, but I am wondering if 12 week...


Is 3 Months Too Young to Let My Baby Cry a Few Minutes to Sleep?

C. asks from Chicago

My three month old son won't nap. I guess I should be thankful that his nights are good. He goes to bed without crying after a bath, swaddle and nurse. Sometimes h...


ACCIDENTALLY Let Baby Cry It Out and Now Don't Know How to Proceed!

L.B. asks from Denver

Okay, I already feel like the worst mother possible so please don't respond to this post just to harp on me. We have a 4 1/2 month old son and last night was a litle...

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Answer Highlights

  • no cry sleep solution in 3 answers "I highly suggest reading "the No-Cry Sleep Solution". It's terrific and offers suggestions ..."
  • no cry sleep solution in 3 answers "I also recommend the No Cry Sleep Solution by Pantley."
  • no cry sleep solution in 2 answers "Please read "The no cry sleep solution""
  • sleep in their own beds in 2 answers "... routine every night from the get go, and both girls sleep in their own beds ..."
  • healthy sleep habits in 5 answers "Weissbluth's Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child is a must!!! I read this book and ..."