severe gall bladder pain

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Results 51-60 from 185 articles

31 Weeks Pregnant with Stomach Pain

E.M. asks from New York

Hello everyone, I thought I'd try to get some feedback from others who may have had a similar situation... For the past week I've had severe stomach pain and some bur...


My 7-Year Old's Stomach Pain

D.W. asks from Tampa

My 7 year old daughter has constant stomach pain for the past month. I've taken her to the pediatrician to whom I'm explained... She has decreased appetite, after sh...


6 Year Old Has Pain on Right Side

J.M. asks from Reno

I am worried about appendicitis but my husband had it when he was a kid and said the pain was more in the front of his belly, my son says it hurts like under the bott...


Stinging Pain Running Through My Chest to My Back

J.S. asks from Dallas

I have an occasional pain that feels like a sting that starts in my chest just below my left breast and shoots back to my back. It feels like something is stinging m...


Right Side Pain, Lethargic and Hot/cold Sweats

L.K. asks from Dallas

My daughter went to the ER on Thursday b/c our pediatrician sent us there b/c she suspected appendicitis. The catscan & bloodwork came back normal. She's had the sa...


5 Year Old with Intermitten Chest Pain , Heart and Lungs Cleared.

S.D. asks from Los Angeles

My 5 year old has been complaining of on and off again chest pain. I took her to the Doctor they did X-rays and EKG and said all is normal. Her Peditrician said she b...


Chest Pain at 27?

H.1. asks from Des Moines

Hi ladies, My husband is 27 years old. He stresses so much about work and said the other day he is worried about his health because he was feeling chest tightness he...


Stomach Issues

C.D. asks from Flagstaff

I was reading someone else's question about her gall bladder. I have 5 children and am wondering if I have a gall bladder problem or is it something else? I get thi...


Gallstones While Pregnant...

B.P. asks from Austin

Hi, Moms....I am currently 27 weeks pregnant and just found out I had gallstones. I see a General Surgeon today to see about having my gall bladder removed. Has any...

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