second labor and delivery

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Early Labor???

J.S. asks from St. Louis

Hi mamas! I'm 37 weeks PG with DS #2. My first went pretty quickly. Found out I was 1 cm dilated, 50% effaced on a Monday. No pain all week, by Friday I was having b...


Signs of Labor

E.C. asks from Shreveport

Hello! I am pregnant with my first child and I have already dilated. I was at fingertip last week and went up to one and a half this week and the doc said I was "thin...


Good Labor and Delivery Books for Future Dad

L.P. asks from Minneapolis

I am trying to find a good book for my husband to study up on before our first child is born. I have had a lot of education on maternal and infant health in grad sch...


Do It Yourself Labor Induction

S.M. asks from Chico

Hi - I'm pregnant with baby #3, who is due July 20 ish of this year. Anyone had any success or experience with do it yourself labor induction? Dh is out of town unt...


Inducing Labor

K.B. asks from Austin

My doctor has suggested that if I am at 39 weeks and everything looks good she can schedule a time for her to induce labor. Normally I would never consider this but I...


Going into Labor

S.L. asks from Providence

I am due on October 13th and last week at my doctor's appt. I was only a 1/2 cm dialated. The doctor said if I wanted he would induce me a week early but I have never...


Inducing Labor

E.S. asks from Allentown

Hi I am going on 42 weeks pregnant right now, I'm actually 10 days past my due date. No complacations so far, my doctor wants to induce by 42 weeks, so I am schedul...


Going into Labor

H.R. asks from Dallas

I am having my first baby. I went to the doctors office about 3 days ago and thats when my doctor cheaked me and said i was three centimeters and said I was softening...


I'm Probably Not in Labor But...

M.M. asks from Lake Charles

So I'm SO ready to have my baby (please spare me the "it'll happen when it's time" BS, don't care) I got my cerclage removed and I got the all clear from my OB to go ...


Early Labor

K.E. asks from Spokane

Hi Mammas, I am currently 31 weeks pregnant, and this is my fourth pregnancy. I became pregnant right after my son was born. These babies will be 10.5 months apart...

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