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Results 31-40 from 245 articles

Grad School?

L.H. asks from Dallas

You ladies are always so wonderful, so I am hoping you can give some much needed advice. I am a working mom to a beautiful almost 2 year old little boy. My husband is...


Basic CPR

B.B. asks from Dallas

I'm trying to find someone or group that can demonstrate the basics of cpr on infants-toddlers. Not only am I going to be a mom again, but I'm also part of a mommies'...


Seeking Childcare in FW Area

M.S. asks from Dallas

I am a single mom to a 3-month-old boy and I am a second year law student in FW. I am desperatly looking for part-time care for my beautiful, well-behaved 3-month-old...


In Home Childcare

D.W. asks from Dallas

I am looking for someone to watch my boys 1-2 days a week in my home or theirs. People keep telling me to put an ad on Craig's list, but I am reluctant to do that. ...


Teens and Dirt Bikes

L.T. asks from Kansas City

My son has a best friend whose parents just bought him a broken down dirt bike which they will fix up. I know my son is jealous and will want to ride it. We don't w...



H.A. asks from Chicago

Looking for places to stay in Haynnis Port MA. We also need family ideas to visit for things to do. We have a 3 yr old to entertain. We hope to stay at a place on ...


South Miami - Seeking Swimming Lessons for Babies.

L.H. asks from Miami

Hi Moms, Does anyone know of a good place or person that can teach my children how to swim? We have a pool with a baby guard of course but the time has come to tea...


Infant CPR and Newborn Classes

J.A. asks from Dallas

Hi there! Does anyone know of some places to take Infant CPR and Newborn Classes? We're expecting our first in November and the classes at our hospital (Harris Method...


Airsoft and Paintball Guns

D.G. asks from Houston

Does anyone have any experience with airsoft or paintball guns? My sons (13 and 10) really want them but I have never wanted guns of any kind in the house and wish t...


Swimming Opportunities for Infant

E.R. asks from Washington DC

I was thinking it would be good to take my 5 month old swimming and was wondering if anyone can recommend any mommy/baby swim classes in the area?

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Answer Highlights

  • american heart association in 2 answers "I think you can go to american heart association website and see an instructional ..."
  • classes at baylor grapevine in 2 answers "We took these classes at Baylor Grapevine and really got a lot out of the classes."
  • undergrad classes in 2 answers "You would have to take a few undergrad classes as pre-reqs, but you might also be ..."
  • nesting place in 3 answers "Go to the Nesting Place in Grapevine."
  • kids first swim in 2 answers "I don't know where you live exactly, but try Kids First Swim Schools."