ridiculous toys

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Results 21-30 from 1,629 articles

Seeking Green Mom's Advice (Plastics, Toys, Cleaning Supplies, Ect)

T.B. asks from San Francisco

I have embraced helping the world and my child with becoming more "green" and trying to be aware of what I am putting or emitting into our world. We have always trie...


Really Irritating? Movie Toys Geared Towards Too-young Kiddos....

J.G. asks from Minneapolis

I am so frustrated with the whole marketing thing lately. Toys for movies like Toy Story 3, for example, marketed to his age group from movies I'd never let him watch...



M.R. asks from Milwaukee

Someone told me they realize they need to get a second computer since their child is on Face book so much. Do any of you let Facebook take over your computer so much ...


Help with Destructive Dog

S.M. asks from Dallas

We adopted a dog from Operation Kindness in June and have had her ever since. She is mostly a good dog, but lately, the past month she has gotten horribly rowdy and ...


My Son Always Wants to Go Bye-bye

M.C. asks from La Crosse

My 2 1/2 year old son constantly wants to go bye bye. It's gotten to the point where he will throw temper tantrums when I tell him no. I understand he's at the age ...


Christmas and the MIL

T.L. asks from Chicago

My Mother In Law plans on giving my child Christmas presents but they are to stay at her home. I personally think this is unfair and am wondering if I am bring unreas...


Opinions Please!! I Need the Perfect Gift for a 2 Year Old Orphan

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

I'm sponsoring a 2 year old boy through church and while I'm not sure exactly what his circumstance is, he doesn't have a mommy or a daddy available to him and is in ...


Son Keeps Saying "Naughty" Words

S.S. asks from Allentown

This might sound ridiculous, but my 3 year old son continues to say "naughty" words like "stupid" and "poopyhead" no matter how many times we tell him not to and puni...


No Gifts

K.B. asks from Kalamazoo

My son's first christmas was a lot of fun and he got tons of toys thanks to grandparents and other family. His first birthday is in early Feb. I just don't want or ...


7 Yr Old Wants an Ipod Touch .... Ugh!

K.B. asks from Philadelphia

My 7 yr old daughter wants an ipod touch for Christmas, and only and ipod touch! We've told her she is too young for an ipod touch. I think she is primarily fascina...

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Answer Highlights

  • donations to his college fund in 2 answers "... politely suggest books, educational videos or donations to his college fund."
  • suggest savings bonds in 2 answers "If you are oposed to that, maybe, on the invites, suggest savings bonds."
  • your rowdy dog in 2 answers "I think your rowdy dog will improve with time and lots of love and outdoor playtime."
  • toy story movies in 2 answers "... but my 3 and 5 year old boys haven't had any issues with any Toy Story movies ..."
  • pirates of the caribbean in 2 answers "... to the Transformers, Spider Man, Green Lantern, Pirates of the Caribbean ..."