rib pain

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Results 11-20 from 382 articles

Wierd Pain...Don't Want to Overreact

Sep 8, 2009 ... I have this weird pain under the left side of my rib cage. It's almost immediate after eating. I feel it as soon as I drink ANYTHING! ...

Nagging Little Pains at 5 Weeks Pregnant

This is my first child and I have felt every little pain there is but for ... It's just easier to pin point it on a baby's foot in your rib cage when they ...

Tylenol and Pregnancy

I broke a rib when I was preg with my last one and that helped as much ... The baby got too long for my frame and actually caused bruising and alot of pain. ...

33 Weeks and Baby Won't Stop Kicking

I do feel your pain. This little girl is a major kicker and kicks all day long. I have to lay down on my left ... I have no advice, but I feel your pain! My son (who was almost 9 lbs at birth) never stopped moving either. ... Rib Pain ...

Rash After C-section?

Could this be a reaction to medication you are taking for pain or other?? I got itchy from a pain medication once after oral surgery. Call your dr. for something else if you think ... the body · pain management · c section · rib pain ...

Health: 2 Yr Old Son Complaining His Boobies Hurt.

Oct 13, 2009 ... Your son may be misplacing chest or lung pain for 'Boobies' pain. ... Think about the possibility that a rib got bruised or broken when his ...

Newborn with Hiccups

rib pain · reflux symptoms · weight vest · weighted vest · pain diagnosis · newborn infant · newborn baby clothes · online diagnosis ...

Huge Belly in Toddler

I've pushed gently around under his rib cage, and there isn't a hard mass .... is accompanied by other symptoms (such as abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, ...

Bumps on Arms?

... when their under arms would rub on their rib cage skin, it would make more. .... I have this, and it is a pain. Keep it moisturized with am-lactin(cvs). ...

Bruised Ribs and Having Anemia!

Lortab and Motrin are normal prescriptions for the pain that you may suffer while the rib heals. Be sure to follow the directions on the bottle and only ...
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Answer Highlights

  • round ligament pain in 2 answers "... the uterus stretching, from gas or even from constipation. Round ligament pain ..."
  • your gastric bypass in 2 answers "I think you should call your gastric bypass dr to explain your symptoms."
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  • eucerine lotion in 2 answers "... after her bath, and/or every night before bed I put a little Eucerine lotion ..."
  • gall bladder in 3 answers "That is a common symptom of gall bladder attacks, you may or may not have stones ..."