retirement saving

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Teaching Children About Money.

Now our monthly income is slightly higher, our bills are greatly reduced, and we are saving for the kids' college funds and and retirement. ...

Giving Kids Allowance?

10% for savings and 10% for tithing or other is good too. ... a future goal perhaps -- college, car, retirement (never too early to save for that anymore! ...

Wanting a Third Child

He says when is it "his" turn to start saving for retirement and other joys in life if we are continuing to pay for babies? I told him we didn't have the ...

What Are the Options to save Money for Baby's Future?

You may want to look into a 529 Plan for a college savings plan. ... she wants to keep it going she can and she'd have a pretty good retirement if she does. ...

Upromise Account - Is It Worth It?

David's focus is retirement planning, however, he is above par on knowledge and does a ... I have Upromise and I don't see a lot of savings with it. ...

Husband Won't Get a Job

I waited for almost 4 years and like you we went through our savings, my retirement fund that was mine before our marriage AND any profit we made from the ...

How Do I Teach My 19 Year Old Son to Be More Responsible with Money?

... at how much he spends on unnecessary "junk" and started a plan for savings. ... I watched my parents waste their retirement on my bother and what did he ...

Life Insurance

... savings will not cover the basic costs of mortgage food daycare etc ... have your retirement money Pay less now so you can put more away for later ...

Having Another Baby?

Oct 16, 2009 ... enjoy them setting up college savings programs getting them into .... return from active duty and his retirement from a 20 year career ...

Seeking a Financial Counselor

It also covers investments, savings, giving, and building wealth! ... He's also helped us get a better handle on what we need for retirement, and counseled ...
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Answer Highlights

  • dollars 10 a week sounds in 2 answers "I do think that $10 a week sounds a little high."
  • continue to pray and seek in 2 answers "first continue to pray and seek God."
  • fdic insured in 2 answers "stocks and bonds) they are not FDIC insured like a bank, you will see fluctuation ..."
  • term life insurance in 3 answers "I agree with the other mom's on here - Get a term life insurance policy for you and ..."
  • long term savings in 2 answers "... know what little boys like these days :P). The last 1/3 is for long term savings."