renting a breast pump

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Results 61-70 from 326 articles

Need Advice on Good Breast Pump

B.B. asks from San Luis Obispo

hi ladies. i am in the last semester of the registered nursing program, and am due in two weeks. i have chosen to return to school after taking just a week off (i k...


Broken Puerly Yours Pump

A.M. asks from Detroit

I just broke my "purely yours" pump tonight. My son is 9 1/2 months old and I'd like to continue breast feeding until June and I work full time until then. Does any...


Which is the best breast pump to buy?

K.B. asks from Columbus

Any suggestions on what bottles to use with the Lansinoh Double Electric Breast Pump? OR any suggestions on what Breast Pump to purchase? THANKS!


How Can I Pump Enough Milk to Return to Work and Still Breast Feed My Son?

D.C. asks from Fresno

I am returning to work in few months and am worried about being able to pump enough milk to feed my son while I'm working. He is 3 months old and I would like to con...


Becoming an Exclusive Pumper, and the Pump

A.F. asks from Lake Charles

I am wanting to pump rather than nurse because my daughter is getting to where she isn't all that interested in it, and I want her to have my milk still yet. I have a...


Double Breast Pump Suggestions and Does Any One Have One to Sell

C.T. asks from Dallas

I just got through taking a breastfeeding class and decided i should own my own pump instead of renting from babies r us. N e suggestions on which one to get. Medela ...


Breast Pumps

J.G. asks from Boca Raton

I am wondering if anyone knows some information about breast pumps. I had problems with my first daughter by not making enough, so this time I wanted to rent a hospit...


Breastfeeding and the Need to Pump?

L.P. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi Ladies. My baby is due exactly 1 month from today, and I was wondering about those of you SAHM's who breastfeed, since I'll have the wonderful opportunity to be...


Help! Does Anyone Know of a Good Rental Company for Breast Pump Machines?

T.H. asks from Seattle

I have been very forunate to have been able to use a Medela breast pump machine for the first three months I have had my second child. However, the person who loaned...


Nothing to Pump After Feeding

D.Y. asks from Phoenix

From the very beginning, after a feeding, I would pump and not get a lot of milk. There were days I was lucky to pump 1oz. After a while I wasn't even pumping that ...

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