rental car sale

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Results 31-40 from 274 articles

Sleeping Arrangements When Traveling

K.P. asks from Columbus

Our little girl just turned 3 and we are going on vacation with her in a couple weeks. Previously when we travelled she slept in her pack n play, but now she is much ...


Appreciating What I Have

A.F. asks from New York

My question has more to do with myself other than my daughter. Two years ago my husband and I bought a house in a nice neighborhood with good schools. We bought the h...


Always Broke - Looking for Someone Too Look over Financials

E.S. asks from Chicago

Well like many I feel like we never have any money. We both work and have been blessed to work full-time through out the poor economy and I feel like we both make goo...


Carseat Advice

W.E. asks from Little Rock

I am seeking advice on purchasing the next car seat for my one year old to face forward in the car. Since she was born we have used a Chicco infant car seat and now ...


Need Advice

S.O. asks from Cleveland

I am in the process of buying my house from my mom. It was my grandparents rental property before they passed. I have been renting it from either her or my grandpar...


Do I Need a Minivan with Three Kids?

H.J. asks from Nashville

Hi, I have two kids (3.5 and 2) and a third one on the way. My husband thinks we need a minivan to fit all these people with car seats in a car... but I don't feel...


Taking a Baby on a Cruise - Yikes!

E.W. asks from San Francisco

We're going on a cruise with my husband's family to celebrate his mother's 70th bday next month and I'm very anxious about how i'm going to pack for a week long trip....


Am I Cursed or Is This How Life Is for Everyone???

A.G. asks from Boca Raton

Lately I feel like NOTHING goes smoothly. I bought wall decals for my daughters room and they don't stick but they were a final sale so the THREE boxes cannot be ret...


First Time Plane Ride with 4Yr. and 2Yr. Old

J.H. asks from St. Louis

We're traveling with our 4yr. old and 2 yr. old in a couple of weeks. I don't know what to do with the car seats. Apparently booster seats aren't allowed on the pla...


Are Trade Ins Worth It?

V.M. asks from Erie

I am not up on cars, can hardly tell you the model i drive, and do not have a head for finances. I would love to just trust my DH on this, but he's made some bad ch...

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