raising children jewish and catholic

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Results 21-30 from 91 articles

To Baptize or Not

T.T. asks from Davenport

Hi! My husband and I are having a small issue about baptism. Our daughter is going to be 8mo and she is not yet baptised. I am Catholic and my husband is not. He has ...


Religion Wars W/ex

E.J. asks from Lincoln

My ex and his family are not religious and haven't attended church in the 10 years that I have known them. When we were married I wanted to raise my son Catholic and...


Tricky Religious Situation

C.B. asks from Washington DC

My husband and I were both brought up Catholic. However as we became adults, neither of us attended church any longer and did not get married in the church. Our kids...


Private or Public School, for ADHD Kid

M.H. asks from Chicago

Hi Mommas, I am trying to figure out where to put my son, in the Private catholic school or in public shcool. He has ADHD & Sensory issues and he is going into Kin...


Question for Catholics

E.M. asks from Chicago

I have a simple question: Can my kid be confirmed without first learning about or going to confession/reconciliation? My husband and I have agreed to raise our kid...


Hindu Husband Upset and Angry for Baptising Kids

A.I. asks from San Francisco

Im catholic n he is hindu. We got married in church. I have baptise both kids by telling my husband at that time im taking them for blessing or name giving ceremony i...


A Major Life Decision

D.L. asks from Phoenix

Hi mommas. A little background. I am a single mom living in Phoenix, AZ, but am originally from New Jersey. About 11 years ago, I met a wonderful guy and we dated ...


How to Teach a Kid Religion If You Don't Practice It?

L.C. asks from Denver

This question sort of stems from my earlier Santa question but I'm curious about others' opinions. Short background: I was raised Catholic but don't practice, yet ...


Baptism Decision When Parents Are Different Religions

M.W. asks from Chicago

My husband and I are really struggling with how to handle the Baptism of our new baby son. Luckily we agree on the importance of getting our son baptized; however, h...


Baptism Frustration!

E.A. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, Our daughter is going on 7 months & we want to baptize her ASAP...the problem is that we choose the godparents before even making sure they had proper sacr...

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