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Results 41-50 from 438 articles

'ME Time'... Seriously?!

R.D. asks from Richmond

I put 'me time' in quotes because I'm beginning to wonder if this is some kind of myth created by someone who likes to have a good laugh at busy moms... who has the t...


Would This Be Fair to a Nanny?

J.T. asks from New York

When we go away, we pay our nanny full wage and also pay for our dog to go to a kennel type place. Taking care of our dog some is part of the nanny's daily responsi...


Bullying: Please Help Me Understand

A.B. asks from Louisville

This is long, sorry! I was bullied relentlessly as a child. It started in elementary school literally when I got my first pair of glasses and continued throughout mid...


Piggyback on the Rosen Apology Request Earlier

M.B. asks from Washington DC

Okay... There is a main issue that is being overlooked. It isn't about SAHM VS WM. it isn't about whether or not Ann Romney or any other stay at home mom knows about...


Montessori Preschool's Approach to "Not Listening the First Time"

R.R. asks from Kansas City

I am looking for some feedback regarding the appropriateness of the approach of placing my 3 year and 3 month old daughter in "time out," or "sitting out" for not doi...


Special Diet & Volume Control - Please Help!

V.J. asks from Portland

My son shows more & more autistic traits as he gets older. He has been in therapy his whole life due to his premature birth & Cerebral Palsy. We have always seen a f...


Is It Possible to "Forgive" If You Can't Forget?

T.L. asks from Los Angeles

I am taking a psych course (trying to better myself) and I was doing fine until the topic of forgiveness came up. Seems the pat answer is to forgive because holding ...


BFF Necklaces

B.D. asks from Pittsburgh

My daughter is in 2nd grade and while out shopping with me she wanted to buy a 3 piece BFF necklace for her and her friends. I did not like the idea because it could...


Mommy Going Through a Rough Divorce

P.D. asks from Phoenix

I am reaching out to anyone that may have any advice for myself and my daughter. I left an extremely abusive relationship last October and filed for a divorce. I am...


Very Shy 4 Year Old, What Can I Do?

M.B. asks from Colorado Springs

My 4 year old son is very shy. He has an older brother who is almost 7 who is an extrovert and always very loud and outgoing, he has a 2 yr old little sister who eve...

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