primrose oil to induce labor

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Results 21-30 from 74 articles

Seeking at Home (Healthy) Remedies to Help Induce Labor Naturally

T.F. asks from St. Joseph

Hello... I am 39 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child. I went to my OBGYN on Monday, and I am still dialated to a 3 and 50% effaced (I have been for 2 weeks. Anyway... I ...


Early Labor

J.W. asks from Charleston

I am about to hit my 37th week of pregnancy and like all moms to be at this stage I am miserable. My question is what advice have any of you heard about things to do...


Pending Labor

K.E. asks from Buffalo

Ok this is going to sound silly or even selfish, but I have to ask anyway. 3 Weeks ago I started to dialate and eface and my doctor said I was going to deliver early....


Induced Labor

S.T. asks from New York

Hello ladies, I am 34 1/2 weeks pregnant now. This pregnancy has been a long haul. I have been through so much. It took us IVF to concieve and then it was a multiple...


Suggestions for 'Natural' Labor Induction

L.S. asks from Chicago

Hello Ladies, I have a friend who is a week overdue and is being told that if she doesn't got into labor soon on her own, then they will induce her, etc... But, she's...


If Not Castor oil....than What?

M.L. asks from Lakeland

I recently posted a message asking for personal experiences using castor oil to induce labor. Well...I took it and NOTHING. I took a small dosage (2 tbsp) as oppose...


Advice on Labor Induction

B.D. asks from Chicago

this is my first due date is july 18th. my doctor told me this morning that at my next appt next week, which will make me 40 wks....that they might ...


Is Castor Oil the Answer for a Safe Induction?

M.H. asks from Pittsburgh

I am almost 39wks pregnant and to fit the cliche, I'm tired of being pregnant. I don't sleep anymore due to my body aching and peeing all the time. This makes it ha...


Wondering About Inducing Labor

K.W. asks from Dallas

I'm at 38 weeks & 5 days but I'm looking online for ways to start laboring. I've found raspberry leaf tea, evening primrose oil, black & blue cohosh & so on. I still...

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  • red raspberry leaf tea in 2 answers "... that sex, nipple stimulation, walking, squatting, and red raspberry leaf tea ..."
  • your due date because the placenta in 2 answers "... will not let you go more than one week past your due date because the placenta ..."
  • raspberry leaf tea in 3 answers "I had a friend who was recommended Red raspberry leaf tea, she went into labor about ..."
  • raspberry leaf tea in 3 answers "Raspberry leaf tea. Sex. I don't recommend the castor oil, I tried and it just made ..."
  • let nature take its course in 2 answers "But my suggestion is to just let nature take it's course, that baby will come when ..."